Cost of reparing deployed air bag system? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Cost of reparing deployed air bag system?


Well-Known Member
February 19, 2006
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City, State
Fayetteville, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 Sport (Dora), '06 XLT
I found a 00 Tauras for dirt cheap due to the fact it was in an accident, it will need a new hood, headlights and drivers side fender, thats fine. The driver and passenger airbag both have been deployed, what will need to be replaced, just the bags?

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I am doing mine for about $150 :)
If you do the work yourself you can buy used (not deployed) airbags and the control box.

Check Ebay

Having a pro do it anywhere from $600-3000 depending.
get estimates.

Our shop charges 900 on a newer wrangler, but check outwhere for frame damage and ect. Also if you are going to try and resell it make sure you figure out the value of selling it with a salvage title.

it is a fairly easy task, but costly parts.

I would first find out WHY the bags deployed.

further inspection revealed fram damage, no sale
