Could this be my cats? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Could this be my cats?

Gator Jeff

Elite In Memoriam
December 11, 2004
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Sport 4x4
Alright, I've looked at a number of the threads for these codes and know they're are quite troublesome. Here's what was done just 1,000 miles ago.
  1. Fuel injectors cleaned
  2. Intake manifold gasket replaced
  3. Fuel rail gasket replaced
  4. Injector seals and EGR seals replaced
  5. Spark plugs replaced
  6. Wires replaced
  7. Throttle body cleaned
  8. MAF sensor cleaned
  9. Clean air bypass valve assembly cleened

I feel like I have a little bit of low speed hesitation, but idle is smooth, travel at speed is smooth, and passing is still smooth and strong. Despite the price of fuel, I tried on pedal-on-the-floor pass from about 50 - 70 mph and my kick down was almost instant and acceleration was good.

I'm stumped. :banghead::frustrate

Well add to this list a new MAF sensor.

I've had it for less than a week and the CEL came on again. This is driving me nuts. :fire::frustrate What else could it be? Could the stealership do something as a temporary fix that will turn bad just so I have to bring it in again.

I forgot to add that my exhaust has a bit of foul odor to it. Somewhere between eggs and body odor.

SOOOOOOOOO, could this be the cats?

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bang them with a hammer....see if the smell gets worse/better/no change

you cant hurt them as long as you dont hit it with a BFH


bang them with a hammer....see if the smell gets worse/better/no change

you cant hurt them as long as you dont hit it with a BFH

But I WANT to use a BFH!!!! Seriously though, should I do this while the truck is running? What is the goal of banging them? Small dents? Loosening something inside?

Thanks for the reply, BTW!

I'll have to try that. Thanks!

When teh catalyst inside my cat converter broke it would drive fine for a bit and then lack all power. The piece was resting in the bottom of the cat for a bit and then suddenly would move to the rear of the cat and clog the system

Best way to know for sure is to look inside your converters... which is not always possible

egg odor is either cats need replacing or they are getting raw fuel dumped into them

What is the computer code?
How many miles on cat converters?

When teh catalyst inside my cat converter broke it would drive fine for a bit and then lack all power. The piece was resting in the bottom of the cat for a bit and then suddenly would move to the rear of the cat and clog the system

Best way to know for sure is to look inside your converters... which is not always possible

Ya know, two of the three times the CEL came on was right after I went over some really rough roads. :scratch: Hmmmmm! I haven't really had major power drops though. Some minor times where it didn't feel as strong as it usually does, but that's it. I actually drove a moving van with clogged cats so I know what it feels like.

What is the computer code?
How many miles on cat converters?

P0171, P0174 -- Lean Condition in both banks. Cats and entire exhaust are original ... 128,000 miles.

I have to say I'm losing confidence in the dealership. I'm going to ask them to do the diagnostic for free tomorrow even though I have a feeling they'll find another way to get the money out of me. Would a good muffler shop have the ability to see what was causing those codes. If so, what am I looking at for new cats and new exhaust at the same time.
