Courtesy Lights Delay | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Courtesy Lights Delay


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May 31, 2010
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I bought a used 2003 4dr. XLT and just love it.Sure it has it's graemlins,but I plan to attack them one at a time.
I notice my courtesy outside mirror & overhead interior lights stay on for an exact 10 minutes after shut off or when I ajar the door.
Is this normal factory operation?..I read my owners manual & I thought it said 25 seconds is their delay time..
Either way I don't like them being on so long & wish to correct/shorten it.
Is there something I can do to cut that time down to 25 seconds and what caused them to be on for so long after all these years?

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I bought a used 2003 4dr. XLT and just love it.Sure it has it's graemlins,but I plan to attack them one at a time.
I notice my courtesy outside mirror & overhead interior lights stay on for an exact 10 minutes after shut off or when I ajar the door.
Is this normal factory operation?..I read my owners manual & I thought it said 25 seconds is their delay time..
Either way I don't like them being on so long & wish to correct/shorten it.
Is there something I can do to cut that time down to 25 seconds and what caused them to be on for so long after all these years?

Not sure what to tell you, I have an 04 and I dont believe there is a way to control the time delay on the headlights / domelights

Mine stay on for just seconds (I dont even think its 25, maybe 15)

I would make a call to Ford and ask 1 of the tech's if their is a relay that controls the curb/courtesy lights. I know you can control the courtesy lights with the dimmer switch in the headlight control unit. Hope this helps put you in the right direction.

Slippin, a lot of these "gremlins" can be attributed to broken wires in the boot between the body & driver's door. My lights used to stay on until the battery saver feature shut them off. Try setting your alarm with the key fob and listen for how many times the horn sounds. If it sounds 2 times this indicates a problem.

Here is a great thread for removing the door panel, thanks to borland for the awesome write-up:

Here is a great thread for checking for broken/damaged wires, thanks to synyster for this awesome write-up:

Hope this helps. :salute:

Slippin, a lot of these "gremlins" can be attributed to broken wires in the boot between the body & driver's door. My lights used to stay on until the battery saver feature shut them off. Try setting your alarm with the key fob and listen for how many times the horn sounds. If it sounds 2 times this indicates a problem.

Here is a great thread for removing the door panel, thanks to borland for the awesome write-up:

Here is a great thread for checking for broken/damaged wires, thanks to synyster for this awesome write-up:

Hope this helps. :salute:

Dude based on your post I decide to tackle a non-working speaker in my drivers door tonight.

I read the door panel thread, it helped alot! I would have broken the panel as I was expecting it to pull off like a 2nd gen

With the door panel out of the way, removed the speaker.
Popped the center console and removed the radio. using my multi-meter's tone function, I had no connection between the door and the radio harness on one of the wires. The blue/white wire. the Pink/green wire was good.

Tested again between the door and body and I had a connection there.
Ran a new wire from there to the speaker clip. BINGO!
I now have all speakers working again!

Cheers to you man!

Curtis, I'm glad it worked out for you! This forum is awesome, isn't it? Get a couple of thousand Explorer owners together talking about there vehicles and I believe there is no issue that can't be solved!! :salute:
