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Cracked Fan First Generation Explorer


January 4, 2022
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1994 Sport

My fan has a crack between every blade. Is this a common problem with 1st generation explorers? Any recommendations on best replacement options? Thanks! Awesome forum!!


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Yes, the fans crack as they age. As far as I know, the 10 blade fans that one can buy on rockauto will work.


You won’t find a first gen without a cracked fan. Mines been cracked probably 15 years or more, dating back to when this was first a topic in the gen1 section.

On a few of my cars, I use an 11 blade fan from A 97-04 GMC 4.3. Fits the ford fan clutch and moves a lot of air quietly.

2nd gen Explorer fans work as well, I think they have more blades?

I installed a Hayden severe duty fan clutch and was surprised my fan wasn't cracked. The 2497 clutch was a HUGE improvement.

My OEM fan was found to be cracked I'm guessing 15 years ago. Replaced it with another OEM fan. I recently installed a Hayden severe duty fan clutch and it's much louder than the heavy duty one it replaced. I'm thinking Josh P's fan from a 4.3 GM and that severe duty clutch might be just the ticket.

If the fan is cracked it needs to be replaced. If it came apart when the engine running it could cause a lot of damage.

My OEM fan was found to be cracked I'm guessing 15 years ago. Replaced it with another OEM fan. I recently installed a Hayden severe duty fan clutch and it's much louder than the heavy duty one it replaced. I'm thinking Josh P's fan from a 4.3 GM and that severe duty clutch might be just the ticket.

If the fan is cracked it needs to be replaced. If it came apart when the engine running it could cause a lot of damage.
The 11 blade is super quiet. I came across the parts list from someone who had a 99 jeep Grand Cherokee that kept overheating, mine used to as well. He tried several combinations, including the ford 9 blade super cooling fan. The quietest combination with the least turbulence in the fan shroud is the GMC 4.3 fan. I run it on my aerostar van and Jeep.

The 11 blade is super quiet. I came across the parts list from someone who had a 99 jeep Grand Cherokee that kept overheating, mine used to as well. He tried several combinations, including the ford 9 blade super cooling fan. The quietest combination with the least turbulence in the fan shroud is the GMC 4.3 fan. I run it on my aerostar van and Jeep.
Can you get the part number for that 11 blade GM fan? I did a search and came up with three or four different fans for the 4.3. I have had cooling issues for a long time with my 1994 Explorer and would like to give it all the help it can get. If you don't know a part number, maybe a specific vehicle for a parts lookup?

I did a search on Rock Auto for a 1999 S10 with the 4.3 and found several, but don't know if they are a direct fit

Carid has two that look identical, but are $50 difference in price.


dorman 620-602 Is the fan blade, you can x reference to other brands, use it with Hayden 2787 fan clutch. You will need to buy 4 bolts m10x1.5x13mm, lock and fender washers.

Over the years I have seen so many of the nylon fans cracked around the hub, like they all do it. When they get tons of cracks we replace them of course, but has anyone ever actually had one come apart?
I have never seen an explorer or ranger where the fan actually split

I'm liking this 11blade 4.3 fan idea, that is about the only thing I like about the 4.3 HAHAHAHAHAHA seriously those S10 trucks suck to work on!!!!!!!

Mine has had cracks since a
Over the years I have seen so many of the nylon fans cracked
My '94 has been cracked since gifted in 2004. Little change since then. Think i have read one annecdote of an actual failed fan here on EF. iirc was associated with "low speed&cold engine roar" issue.

seriously those S10 trucks suck to work on
the dashes were nifty though. Vacuum fluorescent displays be dope yo!!.
Also found a pair of cepek c-300s on one, if you be privvy to such things.

Over the years I have seen so many of the nylon fans cracked around the hub, like they all do it. When they get tons of cracks we replace them of course, but has anyone ever actually had one come apart?
I have never seen an explorer or ranger where the fan actually split

I'm liking this 11blade 4.3 fan idea, that is about the only thing I like about the 4.3 HAHAHAHAHAHA seriously those S10 trucks suck to work on!!!!!!!
34 years as a Ford Technician and I've replaced many cracked ones but have yet to see or hear of one coming apart at any of the dealerships I've worked at.

Yeah, that was my thinking when the topic first cam up here years ago, everybody had a cracked fan but no one heard of one coming apart.
There appears to be a metal reinforcing ring in there, I think I can see it through the cracks.

dorman 620-602 Is the fan blade, you can x reference to other brands, use it with Hayden 2787 fan clutch. You will need to buy 4 bolts m10x1.5x13mm, lock and fender washers.
This is interesting and really good timing for me at the moment.

Do you have a link to where you bought the m10x1.5x13mm bolts? and does it matter if they're flanged or just regular bolts?

Thanks brother

This is interesting and really good timing for me at the moment.

Do you have a link to where you bought the m10x1.5x13mm bolts? and does it matter if they're flanged or just regular bolts?

Thanks brother
They were off the shelf items at home depot.

My '92 is old, tired and getting hot. I'm thinking this 4.3 fan might be the ticket, anybody else install it with the same results. TIA

Many thanks to Josh P. I used the parts he listed successfully. I had to trim 1/2" off the fan blades (could be your mileage will vary sort of thing) but it's running cooler than I can remember even under load crawling in low range at 7200'




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