cracked rear shock mounting plate is it safe? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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cracked rear shock mounting plate is it safe?


New Member
February 2, 2010
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Tampa, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
99 Eddie Bauer AWD 5.0L
Hi, I have a 99 Explorer with about 200K mi. I noticed that the rear end was sagging and when I looked under the car was surprised to see a horizontal crack in the rear flange/wing of the left shock mounting plate. the ubolts seem to still holding and the crack is parallel to but not in the same plane as the base of the plate. Is safe to drive with? Also, any advice for replacing this part (and the best place to purchase) would be helpful as well as if I can get any of the components out of a junkyard - and what torque to tighten the ubolts and shocks to - I'm pretty much of a novice at car repair and working on the suspension components seem daunting. For example, do I have to jack up the truck? if so, where should the jack go? can I put it directly on the axle? any and all advice is welcome. Thank you.

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Yes, you can get that part out of a junkyard, but it probably would have to be from a "pick-and-pull" type, unless they take phone orders. The junkyard I deal with wouldn't sell just that part unless you went out in the yard and got it yourself. I would bring a hacksaw, 1/2 inch drive socket set, a good long breaker bar and a piece of pipe that fits over the breaker bar for leverage with me when you go to take that off in the junkyard. You will probably end up cutting the ubolts off.
You will want the donor vehicle being held up by the frame and not by jacking up the rear axle. You need to take all the weight off the rear axle and the leafsprings. Find something in the junkyard to stick under the frame rails. When you do the replacement of that part, have jackstands at the ready and place them just in front of where the leafsprings attach to the frame under the back passenger doors.
You will need new U-bolts, never reuse them because they stretch and are under a great deal of stress. Better to spend a little to have the piece of mind.
The u-bolts tourqe is whatever I can muscle with a 3 foot breaker bar and give it my all! Double check them every 2 weeks until you cant move them anymore.
The shocks, I just get them on there tight. More or less by feel.
While you are replacing this piece, you could get an "add-a-leaf" kit from Autozone or any other parts store that will get rid of that ass-dragging look, but will also stiffen the ride. You would need U-bolts for both sides if you do the add-a-leafs. (one reason to do this now is you already have to replace half the u-bolts anyway)
From what I read, and understand about your crack, it is on the shock portion of that plate? correct? If its just that part of it, and the crack isn't more than 1/2 way across the tab, I would add a big washer to put it back together temporarily and drive it until this weekend when I got the parts together. (if this is your daily driver and you have it apart right now to do shocks and just noticed the crack) Dont drive it like Mario Andretti, but more like grandma and grandpa, and you should be ok, but Keep an eye on it.

Ok, so that isn't what I was expecting to see!!!
IF, and thats a big IF, I were to drive this, I wouldnt be going too far.
Hope you have another set of wheels, or your drive to and from work is short.
I would try to get the add-a-leaf set, the 4 U-bolts, the replacement piece, new shocks (if needed) and all the tools together as soon as possible if not sooner. It looks like a daunting task, but it really is just 4 U-bolts, and replacing shocks. It really is not a difficult job. Couple hours work if you take your time.

Fixed! - Not cracked, but peeling undercoat crusted grime

This is just a quick follow up. It turned out that the mounting plate was not cracked at all. I took it to a service station this morning with the idea that it might be good to tac weld the crack until the weekend when I could work on the truck since it's my DD. They got it up on a lift and when they took a grinder to it, it turned out to be some kind of underbody? coating mixed with rust and dirt. By the way they did also confirm that if the shock mounts ever do get damaged, you don't want to be driving around because they hold the springs to the axle and the whole drive train could come apart! Many thanks to Mounty for the sage advice.

This is just a quick follow up. It turned out that the mounting plate was not cracked at all. I took it to a service station this morning with the idea that it might be good to tac weld the crack until the weekend when I could work on the truck since it's my DD. They got it up on a lift and when they took a grinder to it, it turned out to be some kind of underbody? coating mixed with rust and dirt. By the way they did also confirm that if the shock mounts ever do get damaged, you don't want to be driving around because they hold the springs to the axle and the whole drive train could come apart! Many thanks to Mounty for the sage advice.


yeah, they were painted from the factory. Just the paint finally peeling off :D


yeah, they were painted from the factory. Just the paint finally peeling off :D

REALLY?? No shyt?? WOW!! Thank you oh wise one for telling me this. :rolleyes: But did you take the time to look at the pic he supplied? I suspect you didn't, because if you actually did, you would see that it appears that there is no paint left on the shock mount and clearly looks to be a serious crack under the leaf spring perch. Might I suggest that if you have nothing constructive to add to a thread, you should hold your tounge, or is it your standard operating procedure to be a Monday morning armchair quarterback?

EDITED TO ADD PIC. god knows we want to save them time



REALLY?? No shyt?? WOW!! Thank you oh wise one for telling me this. :rolleyes: But did you take the time to look at the pic he supplied? I suspect you didn't, because if you actually did, you would see that it appears that there is no paint left on the shock mount and clearly looks to be a serious crack under the leaf spring perch. Might I suggest that if you have nothing constructive to add to a thread, you should hold your tounge, or is it your standard operating procedure to be a Monday morning armchair quarterback?

EDITED TO ADD PIC. god knows we want to save them time


Settle down Francis.

Also, these trucks get decimated in salt belt states. I lost track of how many things were replaced due to corrosion(shackles, brake lines, steering lines, diff covers, etc). That rear shock bracket on my truck looks like it will be gone in a year or two. The fuel line quick connectors under the hood are almost all rotted, the clip is long gone and I made a retainer with 4 wire ties.

I was looking at the front frame under the hood and it seems some of the frame connectors toward the front are rotting away. I will probably have to get rid of it if it gets worse.

I'm not an expert but I think more corrosion resistant metal should have been used. Shackles shouldn't turn into layered metal Swiss cheese. People buy these trucks for snowy northern climates and the metal parts should have better protection. Many exes here are junked for that reason. I see many exes on used car lots that will need the same work I did to mine.

blah blah blah sounding like a ****** with my panties in a bunch

#1 - get your panties out of a bunch. No need to sound like a total ******. Oh wait, too late. And you shouldn't assume... it only makes you look like an ass.
I did look at the pic.

#2 -

it appears that there is no paint left on the shock mount and clearly looks to be a serious crack under the leaf spring perch.

it turned out to be some kind of underbody? coating mixed with rust and dirt.

look, there was paint left! whoa! maybe you should make sure and read the whole post next time?

yes, from the picture it does look a serious crack.
I did not make my post until after OP responded and said it was paint/rust/dirt.

Put on your dunce cap and go sit in the corner.

Wow, hes right, I was a beligerant A-hole! I must take this opportunity to defend myself because he called me out in front of all these people on the net! How will I be able to keep my net cred if I allow this to happen?? Even if he was right?

Perhaps YOU should read the entire post, from start to finish, paying close attention to the order and times at which the posts were made. You have clearly shown that you are unable to grasp that simple task, so let me put it in an easier format that you MIGHT be able to understand.

Post#1 Summary: My name is windsor. I am not comfortable working on my car. I see a crack in my shock mount. What should I do?

Post#2 Summary: I tell poster to get a replacement from junkyard, and detailed instruction of how to do so.

Post#3 Summary: Windsor thanks me for a quick response and the detailed instructions, posts link to pic.

Post#4 Summary: I looked at pic which certainly appears to show a serious crack in the leaf spring clamp starting even with the interior of the spring pack and ending even with the U-bolt. I tell him to do something quickly to fix it.

Post#5 Summary: Poster goes to a shop to have a temp weld done so it wont prematurely fail. The shop finds that what appears to be a serious crack is in fact not the case and is undercoating/dirt. I give the original poster alot of credit to post such an outcome. It took balls to post that. He could have just kept that information to himself, but was relieved and thought it was best to share his relief. What usually happens here when you help others? Do they come back to say what happened in the end? Not if the problem was fixed, they just move on to the next problem.

Post#6 Summary: My name is gavin, I sat by and watched and did nothing until everything was said and done. I feel the need to belittle the two of them because of the outcome. I obviously have some issues that I need to work out on my own. I shall resort to calling someone names to attempt to regain some cred, and use female references to make myself appear tough.

Yeah, you impressed me. I should be humbled by your presence, yet I could really give a crap what you think

Perhaps YOU should read the entire post, from start to finish, paying close attention to the order and times at which the posts were made. You have clearly shown that you are unable to grasp that simple task, so let me put it in an easier format that you MIGHT be able to understand.

do you need a hug?

And no, I'm not stupid as you are trying to assume. I did read all of the posts.

Post#1 Summary: My name is windsor. I am not comfortable working on my car. I see a crack in my shock mount. What should I do?

Post#2 Summary: I tell poster to get a replacement from junkyard, and detailed instruction of how to do so.

Post#3 Summary: Windsor thanks me for a quick response and the detailed instructions, posts link to pic.

Post#4 Summary: I looked at pic which certainly appears to show a serious crack in the leaf spring clamp starting even with the interior of the spring pack and ending even with the U-bolt. I tell him to do something quickly to fix it.

Post#5 Summary: Poster goes to a shop to have a temp weld done so it wont prematurely fail. The shop finds that what appears to be a serious crack is in fact not the case and is undercoating/dirt. I give the original poster alot of credit to post such an outcome. It took balls to post that. He could have just kept that information to himself, but was relieved and thought it was best to share his relief. What usually happens here when you help others? Do they come back to say what happened in the end? Not if the problem was fixed, they just move on to the next problem.

I agree you gave him sound advice. I am not at all disputing the fact that it looked like it was cracked, and the best possible thing to do is the advice you provided. Did I ever try to dispute your advice? No, I did not.

Post#6 Summary: My name is gavin, I sat by and watched and did nothing until everything was said and done. I feel the need to belittle the two of them because of the outcome. I obviously have some issues that I need to work out on my own. I shall resort to calling someone names to attempt to regain some cred, and use female references to make myself appear tough.

I didn't see this thread until after his last post, in which he informed us that he took it to a shop and found out that it was not cracked, and just peeling paint. So how is it I "sat by and watched and did nothing" when I never saw the thread until OPs final post? I'm not psychic.

I'll say it again, don't assume or it makes you look like an ass. (in which you have already proven with your last 2 posts taking shots at me).

Yeah, you impressed me. I should be humbled by your presence, yet I could really give a crap what you think

I don't care what you think.

I simply made a statement that it's not uncommon for the paint to peel off, which can make it look worse than it really is.

And that's when you started flaming, for absolutely no reason at all.
