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Creaking Noise When Steering


July 14, 2008
City, State
Year, Model & Trim Level
2012 base
Anyone experience a slight crekaing noise in their steering column. It's been extremely cold this week, so not sure if that has anything to do with it. Basically, if i'm turning the wheel, I hear a quick "creak" that only lasts for about 5-10% of one full rotation of the steering wheel. Sounds like it's coming from the steering column. It lasts for just a fraction of a second, and is not extremely loud....you'd hear it with the radio set at level 3-4 for sure. It is definitely not ball joints, suspension, etc. The explorer is a 2012 with only 10K miles on it. Nothing is affected as far as drivability, steering, etc. Just started 3 days ago. Thoughts??

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Anyone experience a slight crekaing noise in their steering column. It's been extremely cold this week, so not sure if that has anything to do with it. Basically, if i'm turning the wheel, I hear a quick "creak" that only lasts for about 5-10% of one full rotation of the steering wheel. Sounds like it's coming from the steering column. It lasts for just a fraction of a second, and is not extremely loud....you'd hear it with the radio set at level 3-4 for sure. It is definitely not ball joints, suspension, etc. The explorer is a 2012 with only 10K miles on it. Nothing is affected as far as drivability, steering, etc. Just started 3 days ago. Thoughts??

Hi lihtning,

Have you brought this to the attention of your dealer? They'll be in the best position to track down and diagnose this noise for you. Additionally, you can reach out to Ford Canada for assistance; they can be reached at 1-800-565-3673. Keep us posted on how things progress!


Yup. They asid they couldn't duplicate it. I'm wondering if because they had it inside for a bit doing other service for me, it warmed up enough. Not sure if extreme cold temps could cause this. Temps have been approx. 0-10 F the last 5 days (well below freezing).

Yup. They asid they couldn't duplicate it. I'm wondering if because they had it inside for a bit doing other service for me, it warmed up enough. Not sure if extreme cold temps could cause this. Temps have been approx. 0-10 F the last 5 days (well below freezing).

Thanks for the update, lihtning. You may want to take your service tech on a test drive when the Explorer is making the noise so they'll know what you're talking about. As always, you're welcome to give Ford Canada a call for additional assistance.


I get something like this in mine also.. seems to go away after things warm up a bit. mine gets parked outside, but it's not really cold in Georgia.

Researching it online seems to come up with possibly the clock spring in the steering column. Mine has not done it for the past couple days, but I guess I'll keep an eye on it.

Does it happen when you turn the wheel slightly?

This came up earlier and I suggested a fix. At the base of the steering column is a rubber boot as the column goes through the firewall. The noise may be the column and boot rubbing together if there is not enough grease on it. Move the boot back and forth to redistribute the grease and see if that helps.

Creaking Noise Around Steering Wheel

I am having the same exact thing around my steering wheel. 2012 EX LTD with 27K miles.

Anyone experience a slight crekaing noise in their steering column. It's been extremely cold this week, so not sure if that has anything to do with it. Basically, if i'm turning the wheel, I hear a quick "creak" that only lasts for about 5-10% of one full rotation of the steering wheel. Sounds like it's coming from the steering column. It lasts for just a fraction of a second, and is not extremely loud....you'd hear it with the radio set at level 3-4 for sure. It is definitely not ball joints, suspension, etc. The explorer is a 2012 with only 10K miles on it. Nothing is affected as far as drivability, steering, etc. Just started 3 days ago. Thoughts??

I was able to duplicate it to a mechanic at ford. He immediately said "clock spring". A new one has been ordered and it is to be replaced within a week.

Creaking Noise Turning Steering Wheel

Hey all, purchased 2013 XLT 5 months ago. Recently started hearing a creaking noise when turning steering wheel either left or right. Only really noticeable with radio turned down. I live in the Northeast USA, wondering if anyone else has or has heard of this issue. Thx

I noticed a creaking noise in mine late last week,also I hear a popping noise when I trun to the left. Some members say they hear that when it's cold, which when I heard it was about 20 degrees f. Got an appointment at the dealer tuesday. I will post what they find.

Had this in my 2011. Dealer visit 3 different times. Steering shaft rubbing something plastic near firewall and they trimmed something.

Thx bbx290. I've heard about the cold thing too.

You need your clock spring in the steering column replaced. Had mine done about 2 months ago. Noticed mainly when colder. Sounds like a mild creaking noise. The mechanic came out, took one listen and said it instantly. Hope his helps.

Update. Did replacing clock spring work?

squeeky steering wheel

I have a 2011 limited with 35k on it, noticed over the last weekend when temperatures dropped to below zero that the steering wheel was making a squeeking noise every time I turned it. It is still below 10 degrees outstide. My warrenty is up in a couple hundred miles. Has anyone noticed this on there explorer?

I have a 2011 limited with 35k on it, noticed over the last weekend when temperatures dropped to below zero that the steering wheel was making a squeeking noise every time I turned it. It is still below 10 degrees outstide. My warrenty is up in a couple hundred miles. Has anyone noticed this on there explorer?
Check out the following thread and see if any of the posts may apply to you. If not, take it to the dealer before the warranty runs out.
Your profile shows you have a 93XLT. Do you still have that? If not perhaps it is time to update your profile to show the 2011 Limited or add it to your signature if you have both. Saves you having to put it in every post and would be very helpful for the members in answering some future posts.

Happy New Year to you and yours.:party:


I have a 2011 limited with 35k on it, noticed over the last weekend when temperatures dropped to below zero that the steering wheel was making a squeeking noise every time I turned it...

Sounds like it's time to bring this to the attention of your dealer, cbx1047. Touch base with us after your appointment so we'll know how things are going. :thumbsup:


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Steering wheel creaks when it's turned

Well... About 2200 miles in, and I have my first issue with the explorer. When I turn the steering wheel (especially turning to the left) I can hear it make a noticeable creaking noise, very much like the sound of that creaking door noise you hear in old houses in the movies. Except that it's more a plastic rubbing plastic creaking noise.

Anyone else have the same thing? Or am I just special? It's actually pretty annoying hear on an ongoing basis, since it's kinda hard to drive too far without turning the steering wheel. But I don't think it's a serious issue, and is almost certainly something that is going to be easy to fix. I could probably do it myself, but I think I'll let the dealership take care of it when I go in for my oil change.
