No Sound Screen Acoustic Glass? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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No Sound Screen Acoustic Glass?

Wha exactly is the characteristics of the R value? My main concern is noise dampening, never thought if tint could have any affect on that.

R-Value mainly deals with the ability of heat to transfer through structure, adding window film increases the R value and reduces the amount of energy necessary to cool the interior on a hot day. Same principle and not only that it will also increase sound absorption characteristics similar to dynamat. It makes it look really cool as well.

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That is almost identical to mine. And I agree if the windows are up it is pretty quite. Maybe Ford has changed the way the windows are marked.
I thought that Ford may have changed something also, but then again glass markings seem pretty stringent as to needing to be on the glass to denote all characteristics of said glass.

What throws me off as far as Ford changing something is that if you go to your local dealership, many 2021 models other than the explorer have Ford's proprietary acoustic windshield marked "Sound Screen". Why they would want to advertise the Explorer as having acoustic glass but have no way of confirming it, makes no sense.

I thought that Ford may have changed something also, but then again glass markings seem pretty stringent as to needing to be on the glass to denote all characteristics of said glass.

What throws me off as far as Ford changing something is that if you go to your local dealership, many 2021 models other than the explorer have Ford's proprietary acoustic windshield marked "Sound Screen". Why they would want to advertise the Explorer as having acoustic glass but have no way of confirming it, makes no sense.

What Ford vehicles did you see it on? It is not on my 2018 Ford F150

It’s possible they weren’t able to get enough of the acoustic glass made, and was having enough other supply chain issues they went with regular glass to get them on the market.

I thought that Ford may have changed something also, but then again glass markings seem pretty stringent as to needing to be on the glass to denote all characteristics of said glass.

What throws me off as far as Ford changing something is that if you go to your local dealership, many 2021 models other than the explorer have Ford's proprietary acoustic windshield marked "Sound Screen". Why they would want to advertise the Explorer as having acoustic glass but have no way of confirming it, makes no sense.
Have you talked to your service advisor about it? Maybe they can shed some light on this.

Have you talked to your service advisor about it? Maybe they can shed some light on this.
Very wishful thinking Dale. ;)


"Acoustic" on the windshield, not on the front-row glass. My Escape had the "acoustic" on the windshield. I never looked at the side glass.

What Ford vehicles did you see it on? It is not on my 2018 Ford F150
I saw it on a 2021 Ford Expedition and a Mustang in the showroom just 2 weeks ago. I thought I recall seeing it on a an F150 in the lot, would have been a 2021 or 2022.

"Acoustic" on the windshield, not on the front-row glass. My Escape had the "acoustic" on the windshield. I never looked at the side glass.

I believe you are the first to actually have a confirmed acoustic windshield. Somebody else in the thread mentioned their 2020 explorer did not, so I assumed none of the 2020-21 explorers had acoustic markings, but your situation proves that wrong.

If you get chance, snap a picture if its not too much trouble.


I believe you are the first to actually have a confirmed acoustic windshield. Somebody else in the thread mentioned their 2020 explorer did not, so I assumed none of the 2020-21 explorers had acoustic markings, but your situation proves that wrong.

If you get chance, snap a picture if its not too much trouble.
Reread his post … he was referring to his Ford escape

I must have missed it

"Acoustic" on the windshield, not on the front-row glass. My Escape had the "acoustic" on the windshield. I never looked at the side glass.

I believe you are the first to actually have a confirmed acoustic windshield. Somebody else in the thread mentioned their 2020 explorer did not, so I assumed none of the 2020-21 explorers had acoustic markings, but your situation proves that wrong.

If you get chance, snap a picture if its not too much trouble.

Both have acoustic windshields. The Escape may have had front side acoustic, too. I don't recall looking.

Here's the Explorer's windshield.

Acoustic Explorer.JPG DSCF3346.JPG


  • Acoustic Explorer.JPG
    Acoustic Explorer.JPG
    228 KB · Views: 96

You indeed do have an acoustic windshield as ALL 2020 and newer Explorers are supposed to have. Very bizzare for those of us who have no acoustic markings.
take your vehicle back to the dealership tell them to give you a new windshield

You indeed do have an acoustic windshield as ALL 2020 and newer Explorers are supposed to have. Very bizzare for those of us who have no acoustic markings.
Is it on the build sheet?

Well after chatting with Ford and calling them about this I got no where. So I called my service advisor this morning. He didn't have the answer right away but came up with one. He talked with their sales manager about it. If you roll a side window down and if it dips down in the center that is acoustic glass. Sure enough my front windows and the windshield all dip down in the center. The rear windows curve up. So I learned something new today. Plus I have a great service advisor.

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Not quite following this dip up/down Dale. Are you referring to the top edge of the glass?

