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custom intake


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2000
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91 EB 2x4
ive been wanting to build a custom cold air intake, im planning on building it out of pvc and plexiglas because they are both easy to work with and seem to be a suitable material for the job. im going to base this around a conical filter(prolly k&n) ive looked at both the k&n and kkm kits, they both cost $89 and both seem to be a conical filter and a flange to mount the conical filter to the MAS. i know i can get a conical filter for much less than that, and feel that it would prolly be alot easier to just build the flange, has anyone ever tried to build a flange before? how hard do yall think it would be?

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is the kkm induction kit any louder than the stock intake, if so does it sound good?

ya, it is supposed to be louder, supposedly you can hear a real throaty sound coming from the hood, thats waht im goin for, i hate the mellow sound my car makes right now.

from experience, i have a drop in k&n and it really does make it louder and give the seat of the pants rumble so i am guessing that the kkm or k&n conical will give you a louder rumble and a more seat of the pants shake too

KKM sound

I read a review of the KKM Tru-rev on a site similar to this that was for Rangers. They claimed the KKM was quieter than stock under low/medium throttle, but gave a nice throaty sound under "more aggresive" driving. That's exactly what I want: quiet for the wife, impressive sound for my driving! I ordered mine last week, but it hasn't come yet. I'll let you know when it comes.


well, as far as sound goes, i didnt notice any difference in the intake sound, but then again, i dont have the most sensitive ears in the world. years upon years of metallica and rage against the machine concerts tend to put some extra wear and tear on the audible sense. the only sound difference i noticed (which most people arent usually looking for) is that you can hear the new filter setup sucking air, like a whistle, but barely noticeable (if youre not listening for it, you probably wont hear it.) also, i have stock exhaust on my truck right now. i assume you can tell a difference between a stock intake and the KKm kit when you have aftermarket exhaust on your truck.

I love that throaty sound, i know its a different thing but when my friend had a k&N intake and on his sunfire it sounded like it was going to explode out of the engine bay.

If this is the same way it is with explorers i cant wait till i get mine on

I went down to a ricer for lowered trucks shop arizona steet customs and they had a flange that bolted right up and fitted except where the top of the maf it rounds off and this flange is square so i cut out a littled piece and welded it to fit perfect and for 10 bucks for the flange and 15 for the filter with a noticable hp increase and higher rpm witha goo nice throaty sound compared to the drilled airbox and dropin k&n i had previously btw a K&N cone would fit to

the KKM is in

I put in my KKM tru-rev intake last night. Of course I had to take the truck out for a spin immediately. I have to agree with tbomb, the sound difference is slight, if any (and my tastes in music are tamer than his!). Now I didn't do any really hard acceleration, so it might sound better under those conditions, but under "normal" driving it seems that it will be about the same. The sound is secondary to me; I'm looking more for performance (power in climbing Colorado's many mountains) and (hopefully) a little boost to the MPG. Time will tell on those counts.

make sure you disconnected the battery for half an hour. or else it may actually end up hurting your performance.


Thanks for the tip. Luckily, I read the same advice here earlier, so I knew to do that. It took me about 40 min to install, so that should be long enough. I always monitor my MPG, so I'll keep an eye on that to see how it does. Maybe I'll post an update in 3-4 months. Thanks again.

well, i too went to a ricer shop, i picked up a k&n cone filter and a flange, but the flange didnt fit, it wasnt the holes because they almost lined up perfectly, it was the fact the the intake hole on the MAS is"offset to the outside" of the rectangular flange. its not a prob thouhg, tommorrow im gonna give them a template that i have made. by doin this myself im lookin at saving around $40 over the kkm, and i will essentially have the same thing. once i get the filter installed im gonna put a box around it and rig it up with a cold air intake(not pull hot air from engine but from the outside) hear in houston it doesnt get cold and with summer coming up the colder i can get the intake air the better.

right now i have been playin around with a flange made out of lexan(just in case i cant get one from the shop)

ok, i installed the conical filter today and if any of yall noticed... didnt work out so good. do any of yall have any idea as to why it didnt work? i checked everything the flow was not obstructed in any way i think it might have somethin to do with those vacuum lines, for those of yall with the kkm what did you do with the lines? is there a way to hook them up or did yall just leave them floppin around? because i tried to hook them up in my own ghetto way and i tried leavin them not hooked up and niether way worked.

i finally got it installed! my problem was the design of the flange, it was made for a nissan and the way that it bolted up disrupted the air flow in such a way that it fooled the MAS into thinking their wasnt any air going to the engine. after sometime of cutting and grinding i was able to get it working. i test drove it and i can notice a difference in sound, it sound as much like a riceburner at high rpms like it used to. i can also notice some seat of the pants power too, ill see how my gas milage does in about a week. tommorrow im going build a cold air setup so that the filter isnt sucking hot air in from the engine compartment. ill let yall know how it turns out

well i got the cold air intake installed yesterday. using some drainage parts form home depot, i made a real clean install. the only thing is it muffled the sound back down and i just dont feel taht it helped at all, it feels like it made it worse, kinda like when i just had my drop in k&n on. today im gonna take all the cold air stuff off and just clean my MAS(it looked kinda dirty)
