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Custom Interior Work w /pics

Well...I have seen the threads where many have painted their Vinyl and I just hated the vinyl so much I decided to replace it. So far...I have done the center console and the passengers door. I recovered it with a black viynl with a grain that looks a lot better than the stock stuff. I will be doing the carpet, and other things as well....I will keep you updated. Give me your opinions.


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Very nice work!!! when you comin' to do mine?

Very very nice. So how did you do this, was it very hard?

Happy trails!!

Wrap and staple. The console lid was pretty easy...the door on the ohter hand was a pain in the ass. The bolster has a small seperate plastic piece that is heat staked to the door. I had to grind all of them off.

I'll have to post the pics of mine when I get home. I used the spray stuff though. My grey (especially on the arm rests) was getting faded and stained. THe spray is easy.

yeah...I almost went that route....but I hated the stupid vinyl with the holes in it. Plus...I work at an automotive interior manufacturing I sorta know the ropes I guess you could say.

Does anyone know if you can get that carpet dye at like pepboys or something like that?

Yeah, they sell all kinds of colors of vinyl dye and carpet dye at about any automotive store.

SSIKORA Awesome work. Can I ask where you got the material to do the center console?

SSIKORA Awesome work. Can I ask where you got the material to do the center console?

My local fabric store.

If you ground off the taps that hold the trim piece to the door, how did you put it back on? I already did the center console and tried for the doors but didn't know what to do with the doors

2 part Epoxy.

looks good! :) :)


paint the speaker grills too.....looks sweet

I plan on painting the grills and the vents by the windshield.

That is awesome! How hard is it to get the door one's off and back on? Time consuming?

What was the material that you used for the center console? Mine is ripped too... was it just regular new vinyl????

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The door's are a little bit of a PITA. I just went to the local craft shop and bought a yard of black vinyl that i liked and went over top of what was there.
