cutting rivets method (rad arm bushing) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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cutting rivets method (rad arm bushing)


Well-Known Member
April 18, 2008
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'93 XLT
I am trying to cut the rivets out of the radius arm bracket. It is not going so well. I've cut the head off of one rivet, drilled into the center some and I can't get the rivet knocked out. I do not have an air chisel, but I do have large hammers and some punches.

I've only attempted this on one and the rivet will not move.

I'm thinking it may be easier to grind them all down, pry the bracket lose, and then grind them flush with the frame, and then try and knock them out. But I do not want to be stuck without transportation.

Any advice on getting these stubborn rivets out?

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Heat them up and punch them.or grind all them down, heat all them and pry the bracket off the frame either way heat is your best careful on the drivers side,that where your fuel filter and lines are!!

Heat them up and punch them.or grind all them down, heat all them and pry the bracket off the frame either way heat is your best careful on the drivers side,that where your fuel filter and lines are!!
I tried a butane torch too. No luck. I'm guessing the rivet is mushroomed a bit between the bracket and the frame, so I should be able to knock it through once ground flush to the frame.

You need an Acetylene Torch Set to heat them up.

Grind flush, then use 1/4" drill to make a seat for your punch. Insert punch, then put the hammering side of the punch into a socket and a string of extensions so you can get a decent swing at it, standing up. Use your largest hammer, at least 3 pounder, and swing HARD at it. 3 or 4 pops should punch it out.

I've found that when removing the head use a cut off wheel and cut an X into the top of the head. Cut it so deep that you just start to get into the frame. Not real deep though just enough to break the surface. Then take a sharpened punch and blast the bits of head off. Then blast that rivet butt out with a good dull point punch. I had no need for heat. Just brute force.

when i did my radius arm brackets i cut the heads off with an angle grinder till the were flush, than used a ball peen hammer to move them in a bit , than a punch to drive them the rest of the way through,,
