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Dash Light Out--- 00 Sport


Well-Known Member
January 11, 2007
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Collinsville, IL formally from Atlantic City area
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Sport
So this happened this morning. Is it a pain in the [MENTION=127576]ss[/MENTION] to fix? Any tips or guidance would be super helpful. The light near the fuel went out, and makes the dash dim in that corner...

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Not really a pita but is a bit time consuming if you've never pulled your cluster before. I believe it's just a 194 bulb. Search for the tutorial on cluster removal.

Thanks guys!!!!! Much appreciated!

there are 6 illumination bulbs. I wouldn't change just one, but that one is probably the easiest one to change. you should be able to do it without having do disconnect any wires or the gear indicator cable. just remove the 4 cluster screws and pull the left hand side of the cluster toward you enough to get your hand behind it.

here's a picture of the back of the cluster. the black sockets are for the dash lights. the one furthest to the right (in the photo) would be for the fuel gauge. twist the socket to remove it. the bulb pulls out of the socket and is a number 194.

to get at the cluster, you need to pull the radio bezel out a little bit, loosen/remove the plastic lower dash trim panel (4 screws) and 2 push-pins at the top corners, the 3 screws along the top of the cluster trim and a few screws along the lower edge of the cluster trim panel.

I recently changed all 6 of mine and the tach light burnt out again (next one over from yours) so that's what I have to do.


there are 6 illumination bulbs. I wouldn't change just one, but that one is probably the easiest one to change. you should be able to do it without having do disconnect any wires or the gear indicator cable. just remove the 4 cluster screws and pull the left hand side of the cluster toward you enough to get your hand behind it.

here's a picture of the back of the cluster. the black sockets are for the dash lights. the one furthest to the right (in the photo) would be for the fuel gauge. twist the socket to remove it. the bulb pulls out of the socket and is a number 194.

to get at the cluster, you need to pull the radio bezel out a little but, loosen/remove the plastic lower dash trim panel (4 screws) and 2 push-pins at the top corners, the 3 screws along the top of the cluster trim and a few screws along the lower edge of the cluster trim panel.

I recently changed all 6 of mine and the tach light burnt out again (next one over from yours) so that's what I have to do.

View attachment 82420

+1 on what koda said. Change all of the bulbs; look for 194LL (Long Life). You might also consider LEDs; I believe that 194 substitutes are available. Just have to worry about polarity with the LEDs. Good luck.

194LL bulbs would be best and I've seen a lot of led replacements. My biggest worry with leds is hotspots and the inability to adjust the brightness level.

Pretty simple did this the other day. You don't even need to fully remove the dash over the steering wheel you can reach in while the wires are still plugged in
