Dealing with the Dealership, Help! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Dealing with the Dealership, Help!


Active Member
February 25, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Columbia, SC
Year, Model & Trim Level
02 Sport
Since I have had my 2002 Sport, I have had nothing but trouble with the driver seat. The main problem that I had was a crack in the frame of the chair, which was "fixed". Ever since then, the back of the chair does not line up with the bottom. It's like crooked by an angle of about an inch. I have taken it to the dealership about 5 times now. I keep getting the same response that it's how it's suppose to be. I have a meeting with them on Wedensday to finally resolve this and I need some suggestions on how I should approach this.

I have take pictures of other 2002 sports used and new so I will have evidence that my chair does not look like others.

Anyone on here with a similar chair, what does yours look like??

After all the trouble I have been threw with it, I feel like they should replace the whole thing. Is that a valid course of action?

I am taking it by another dealership tomorrow to get a second opinion. I can post some pics tomorrow to better illustrate what i am talking about.

Thanks for your input and opinions!

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Let's see some pics! If the problem is like you described I find it hard to believe that the dealership won't fix it.

Take my advice, go to a MERCURY dealership. Do a search for my posts on here. You`ll love what I had to endure from a Ford dealer. Mercury kills ford for service.

Yeah Lincon or Mercury Service Depts. treat you like gold. I've never had a good experience at the Ford dealerships around here...

Sorry about the pics. I didn't have time to take any. I did take it by the other dealership and they said that it was messed up and that after my meeting the the original dealership, it was not fixed they would. They said that the whole adjustment device was damaged and needed to be replaced. They said it looks like it was bent to fit.

I will take some pics and post them as soon as possible, sorry bout that!

The service manager at the other dealership I went to today said that he was familiar with the service practices of the first dealership and infact the guy that does the oil change is the guy that does seat problems and so on. The other dealership as people that are assigned to certain areas for better results. That sounded really nice to me. I don't know if it was bull but it was enough to make me happy til tomorrow:)

Here is the a pic of the seat. Enjoy!


Sorry for the double post

Okay, I'm officially going on the record and saying that your seat is screwed up and twisted. How a dealership cannot see this, is incredible. I would drop that dealership faster than gravity will allow!

All they have to do is compare it to another vehicle on their lot, damn!! I am amazed at all of the Ford dealership horror stories that I read. My Ford dealership is absolutly outstanding, In fact, it is better than the Lincoln Mercury dealership, which is right across the street, that is backed up by all of the Town cars, and Navigators, Monty's etc that is in the Ford dealership repair shop.

Anyway, your seat is SCREWED!! Well acutally, twisted/bent. Demand to get it fixed or go to that other dealership you mentioned.

Ditto on going to the Lincoln / Mercury dealership. I hate dealers for the most part and prefer to buy private party but my Explorer is the second vehicle I have purchased from this dealer and they have treated me like gold. Never questioned any warranty stuff, all repairs done right & on time, and they always give me a really nice loaner car (lincoln LS, new mountaineer, etc...) to use while my car is being repaired. As far as the seat thing goes. Once the original dealer fixes it as it should be, start taking it to another dealer for repairs. To the best of my knowledge you are not required to bring it back to the dealer you purchased it from for warranty work. Any Ford, Lincoln or Merc dealer can do it. Also check and see if this was a recall issue, if it happened to you it has probably happened to others as well...............

Thanks for the input guys.

I just got back from Pulliam (bashes name at all costs now) and the day went as such...

Got there at 9:30am to meet with the service manager and the customer rep. Customer rep was not there and was wouldn't be there til 10:30. So, I proceeded to talk to the service manager (which was the guy that said it is supposed to look like that), He was very hurried and acted like he didn't care about my problem. Brad was his name. We walked out to the truck and he made sure not to walk with me so we could talk, very fast past. He looked at the chairl, but his whole hand threw the cushions and said that is how it's supposed to be. Funny thing is the service manager at the other dealership did the same thing and said just the opposite, hmmmm. So, I let the green skin come out and it was on. I told him I am done talking to him and when the rep gets there we will continue. She arrived and was very happy to help and listen to my problem. She tooked at the chair sat in it, compaired the pictures I had taken of other 2002 Sports that didn't look like that. She gave me the run down on what needs to happen in order to resolve this, which goes alittle like this:

1. have service strip chair and fine comb it.
2. if problem not resolved, contact area Ford engineer.
3. engineer decides if problem is sufficent enough to warrant one of two things: 1)replace whole part(seat) 2)buy car back from customer

So, they called me at 12:30 saying they had fould a loose spring and they seat looks much better. When I got there it did indeed look much better, until I sat down and got back out. What they had done was pull the apolstry as tight as it could go to cover the gap and of course when I sat down it when back to the way it was. They did replace a spring and the back of the seat does look straight now. I will give them the small credit of that. But, once again they tried to deceive me and now the bottom of the seat "shifts" where it didn't do that before :rolleyes:

I told the service and cus rep what i thought and told them to make the appointment with the engineer. I will be taking it by the other dealership to get there opinion on the matter and possibly have them fix it for good.

Mean while, while this is going on the truck was in the shop for another matter of getting the accerater cable replace due to a defect. The work order showed it completed, but when I drove it off the lot to test it (which I was recieving a strange rattle when I accelerated up an incline) it did the same thing. Bringing it right back and walking the the service manager back to the garage to watch them check the cable, it had not been replace. After my eyes adjusted from the flames that shot out I watched as the service manager kissed my ass and the tech fixed the problem.

Damn Pulliam! and that all I have to say about that.....

Damn dude I think that it is time for you to find a new dealership to go to!

When I bought mine, it was DX'ed from Pulliam to Maryland. (I hope it's not jinxed)

You better cover that thing in rabbits feet and any other good luck charm you can get your hands on!!!

The sales people are ok and they have a great selection, but you can forget the service department. Consider it a waste of office space!
