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Desktop computer: power supply dead?


Elite Ranger
October 23, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
La Quinta, Ca.
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 SC Ranger xlt
So I have this older desktop computer that was built by my neighbor in '07. He did this for a living so it's not like he didn't know what he was doing. My neighbor has since moved away so i cant rely on him for repairs. Anyhow the tower recently died on me so I'm assuming it's the power supply. I know next to nothing about building computers so hopefully someone more savvy can chime in.

I can post a pic of the label on the power supply if needed, just need to wait until my phone charges up.

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If it won't power on at all... or it turns on briefly, but shuts down the moment the fans start to spin, it could be a bad power supply. Generally speaking, a power supply failure is the primary thing that will prevent system start-up without causing a BIOS beep code.

Tower (ATX) power supplies are easy to replace. Just make sure to get a well known brand (Antec, Corsair, EVGA) which is rated equal or higher in wattage to the old power supply and be careful about static when installing.

Thanks, it doesn't power on at all...totally dead. I took the cover off to see what I'm dealing with and yeah it looks pretty straight forward.

Power supply (PSU) replacement is pretty straightforward. You should easily be able to tell what type of power supply you have by looking at it's label.

Silly reminder but make sure you plug in ALL the connectors. Even the best of us sometimes miss something as simple as a hard drive power connector.

Also note that a replacement power supply may have more power connectors than you actually need. Not to worry, just tuck the unused connectors in and call it a day.

Everything is notched so it can only go in one way. There is a possibility a bad motherboard could cause this. The old power supplies had a switch, the 286, 386 days. Now the switch is connected to the motherboard. Wife's computer had a stick of ram go bad and it wouldn't power on. No beeps, totally dead.

Everything is notched so it can only go in one way. There is a possibility a bad motherboard could cause this. The old power supplies had a switch, the 286, 386 days. Now the switch is connected to the motherboard. Wife's computer had a stick of ram go bad and it wouldn't power on. No beeps, totally dead.

That's good to know thanks. It will be awhile before I can dive into this but I'll update any progress.

The older power supplies with a switch were called AT power supplies. The ones without a switch are called ATX power supplies, and require a power supply tester or a jumper wire to get them started.

Sometimes the circuit board on the computer with the switch could be faulty. That's why it's good to test the power supply before you get another one.

I have a PSUTEST20 power supply tester which has built in load resistors, an LED indicator, and a rocker switch. This is a good item to have if you want to get an accurate reading of the condition of the power supply. You could get one for under $10 or just take out the power supply, and have a computer store test it if you don't want to invest in one for one time use.

It's too bad you're so far away from me. I have more power supplies in my basement & shed than I know what to do with.

Post a picture of it. I have a few sitting around I can send you if it will work.

Too bad. A few months ago I swapped out my 500w LepTek for a Corsair 750w modular.
(Along with a motherboard & cpu upgrade, new R9-270x GPU, and went from 8g to 16g ram.) The 500w I just gave to a guy at work.

Here's what's in there now...not looking for the best, just want to keep this computer going for awhile longer.

It's a pretty basic setup...dvd drive, card reader and some USB ports on the front.


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