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Detailed Engine Bay, pics!

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looks amazing.. just need to fill up on some washer fluid

Thats a good engine is beeyond dirty. I would have to clean just to get it up to being considered "dirty". Did you replace the battery cables? Where did you get the terminals? I also like how you are holding your Optima in place. I may copy that :p
Mine has just been sitting under its own weight for the past few years.....

Originally posted by Limited Ex
Thats a good engine is beeyond dirty. I would have to clean just to get it up to being considered "dirty". Did you replace the battery cables? Where did you get the terminals? I also like how you are holding your Optima in place. I may copy that :p
Mine has just been sitting under its own weight for the past few years.....

Thanks! Yes, all the cables were replaced with the Audio/Video system. The terminals are Rockford Fosgate battery terminals. Please copy anything you need to. That is why we share here right! It is just a Nylon Strap with buckle. I cut two slits in the bottom of the stock tray to run it through.

I like the aluminium Ford thing at the front of the engine bay.....Is that aftermarket or stock?

Nevermind, just found the other thread...

what are the things in the engine that cant get wet when doing this? i dont want to mess anything up:rolleyes:

air filter, alternator, distributor, battery...
I'm sure there's more but just can't think of them.

Originally posted by STANN
I like the aluminium Ford thing at the front of the engine bay.....Is that aftermarket or stock?

Just a door scuff that fits there great! I see you found the other thread. Let me know if you have anyother questions.

BlackMagic, I was looking at your web page. First of all, nice Ex, second where did you get the box or whatever you want to call it for you speakers to fit in the back where you jack and stuff usually fits?


Great work! I also love that kick plate you put on there, damned if that doesn't look like it was made for that spot!

Originally posted by TravisC
BlackMagic, I was looking at your web page. First of all, nice Ex, second where did you get the box or whatever you want to call it for you speakers to fit in the back where you jack and stuff usually fits?


Thanks! As for the Sub box it is a Q-Logic Stealth box. You can find them all over the web, Best Buy, Circut City, and so on. Check Ebay for Explorer Subwoofer box.

Let me know if you have anyother questions.

Originally posted by Stephen
Great work! I also love that kick plate you put on there, damned if that doesn't look like it was made for that spot!

Did you see where I said that you can get a set for under $10? So you can do the same thing.

that is a hell of a nice looking engine bay!

When you put that door scuff on, did you take off those stickers that were on the truck first? The door scuff doesnt completely cover the stickers on mine and I see that they are not there on yours. I picked at one corner of the sticker and it doesnt look like they will come off easy. Let me know what you did. Thanks ;)

Yea, I took them off. Just peel off the stickers and then use a sticker remover solvent, like Goo Gone to remove the rest. That is what I used. Then cleaned it with soap and water. Then after putting on the scuff use some kinda detail spray on the exposed paint. Show some pics when you are done!

Originally posted by 98FordX24 I picked at one corner of the sticker and it doesnt look like they will come off easy. Let me know what you did. Thanks ;)

I used STP intake cleaner and some paper towels and the sticker residue came right off, as did some of the paint so be gentle. Heres how mine came out. I posted on the fordtruckworld forum and they liked it on there as well. Black Magic started a trend with the door scuff thing.


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    web truck ii 037.jpg
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My door scuff is waiting to be put on. I just have to get that sticker residue off. Its being a PITA. I need to find my goo gone.....

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I can't find the thread saying how to acquire one of these door scuff thingamajig. Can someone help?
