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Did emailing become obsolete?


January 27, 2011
Reaction score
This I am sure is a stupid question, but I am curious if this is a New Mexico thing or a Ford thing or a me thing.

I have emailed five different dealerships in the state with zero responses. Not one single response. I have read and re-read the email and I can't figure why I cannot get a response. What I was asking was do they have a Limited Explorer to look at? If there is a Loyalty(Explorer) rebate from Ford for $1500 and how the $500.00 student cash is done. If they didn't have exactly what I want how long is the expected ordering time. Like I said it seems polite, concise, and I read it as I am very interested in the Explorer. I just bought my wife a new Toyota and I received quick responses and was smooth. I notice that Ford doesn't push Internet sales like they used too so I was wondering if that is not used that much anymore and they want you in the dealership

The reason for the email tactic is I have talked to three different sales guys at three different dealerships. The web site said they have Limited, but they really don't-they are just coming soon. IF you ask them the incentive questions they don't know the answer-especially in regards to the $1500 loyalty cash. So, I figured emailing would solve all the problems, but zero responses.

Thanks for anyones insights

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Sounds like most dealerships (not just Ford). I submitted through Yahoo Autos that I was interested in a couple different makes and models. Of probably 15 dealers my emails went to, I received some decent correspondence from maybe 3 of them. Most sent automated responses with little to no actual contact beyond that. It really baffles me with how bad the customer service has been with most salespeople we've dealt with during this entire process. In addition to emails, my wife and I visited at least 10 different dealships and the service in most of those cases were bad too. It's really easy to be polite and to acknowledge people through email or in person, but apparently customer service is becoming a bit of a lost art when it comes to car sales. It wasn't all bad as I have to give credit to my Ford salesperson as he was the only one not pushing his current inventory and actually suggested ordering our Ex. Anyway, I would recommend trying a site like Yahoo where you can request a quote from multiple dealers at the same time, which at least creates a little urgency in them that they know they are competing for your business.

i guess it's different type of business they are in. they don't really have computers in front of them, i don't think they check emails often. went to a local ford dealer, the business card the sales and manager gave me has no email address on it. i initiated first with email (referred by a friend to a guy at that local deal then i looked up his email address), he didn't response until like next day and basically just told me to give him a call....

I have always researched/priced/purchased vehicles by email first. It saves a lot of legwork up front. Every dealer I contacted responded to my emails, some better than others (you could tell which ones were comfortable with the format).

i guess it's different type of business they are in. they don't really have computers in front of them, i don't think they check emails often. went to a local ford dealer, the business card the sales and manager gave me has no email address on it. i initiated first with email (referred by a friend to a guy at that local deal then i looked up his email address), he didn't response until like next day and basically just told me to give him a call....

That was something else I noticed too. Most of the salespeople had hotmail or yahoo accounts. Not actual company email addresses. Weird

Hit and miss for me on both Ford and Chevy. I recently purchased a Polaris Ranger and the same thing.
