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Did the dealer get me?


New Member
January 13, 2004
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Va Beach, VA
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Last week on the way to work my 2000 Explorer (2dr 4WD) decided it didn't want to move anymore. it would start just fine and the engine was running ok, but when I'd put it in gear it would bog down and die. Took it to the local dealer and they said that it had popped over 30 codes and that the canister vent solenoid was shorted and blown a fuse. They also said that both front hubs were bad and that the rear end needed to be rebuilt. After they did all of that, I got it back and it got a check engine light within 10 miles. I called them back and they said that it had a bad drivers side downstream O2 sensor, but since it wasn't covered under warranty they didn't change it. Is there any way that a canister vent solenoid could have caused the tranny problem? And how could an O2 sensor go bad at the exact same time?

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What all did they replace???

If you are under the Ford ESP and it is any level below PremiumCare they do not cover O2 sensors, Bogging down and dying normally would make me think Catalytic convertor. In that case it is very common to lose 1 or more O2 sensors.

I know 0'2 sencors can go at any givin time with out warning. But seeing how it wasnt on when you took it in then they worked in that area of the truck and now its on makes ya wonder. Try clearing the code and see if it comes back.

Electronics can go at any time. I'd clean the IAC and MAF if you're still having problems. Were all these other repairs under warranty?

Yeah, the front hubs and rear end were under warranty. The canister vent solenoid wasn't though. I just can't see how I take it in for the tranny not working, and somehow they end up changing hubs and rebuilding the rear end. And then there's the check engine light. After work yesterday, I went out and reseated all the plugs for all of the O2 sensors and changed the spark plugs. Then I took the battery cable off and cleared the code and it hasn't come back yet (I've only driven it about 10 miles though). When I changed the plugs, they were all gapped at like .80 which is way off. It seems to run O.K. after all of that. I think I'll take it on the interstate this afternoon and see how it does.
