Diffrerent Kind of Lighting | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Diffrerent Kind of Lighting

Not sure if this exactly fits in here but I am a volunteer firefighter, and full time police officer. My 07 Explorer has red, white, and blue emergency lighting on it. Let me know if there are any questions.





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Can you even shift all the way down to 1 or 2? Lol looks like that little control modules in the way

Can you even shift all the way down to 1 or 2? Lol looks like that little control modules in the way

The way it sits normally it will only go to 3, however there are adjustment screws on each side of it that i can loosen and move the control head so that it will shift all the way down.

Ahh I see...I dont normally use them on either of mine anyways LOL
So what exactly does that little box do?

looks good

The little black box is a remote head to the actual light/siren control unit. The "brain box" where all the wires and everything hook up is under the passenger seat. The little box controls all my lighting and siren functions.

I figured it was something like that, wheres your laptop, and all that fancy stuff :p lol jkjk, idk how to word this, so sorry if it sounds retarted, but are the lights for the "fireman" job, or the "policeman" lol, I thought you had to have the decals and whatnot on police cars? And all the volunteer firefighters around here just have the like 12" 2 spinning red light fixtures on the roof...

I figured it was something like that, wheres your laptop, and all that fancy stuff :p lol jkjk, idk how to word this, so sorry if it sounds retarted, but are the lights for the "fireman" job, or the "policeman" lol, I thought you had to have the decals and whatnot on police cars? And all the volunteer firefighters around here just have the like 12" 2 spinning red light fixtures on the roof...

The volunteer department I am has laptops in the apparatus, but I cannot afford to pay for one out of pocket. The lights are mainly used for the firefighting, however once in a blue moon I will work a special detail at work, or stop to assist an officer either on the way home from or going to work, and that is when the blue lights come into play. In TN we have to visible 360 degrees, so we do not necessarily have to have lights on the roof. Just so long as you can be seen. Also the only thing we are required to have decal wise is an emergency license plate.

Ah I understand :p
Yea those laptops are probably a couple thousand I bet LOL.

I wish I could have a police car just for a day, and just check everything out lol that would be pretty fun :p

Ah I understand :p
Yea those laptops are probably a couple thousand I bet LOL.

I wish I could have a police car just for a day, and just check everything out lol that would be pretty fun :p

When all the gadgets and gizmos we have work they are awesome, when they dont work they are a PITA

Looks nice how did you get the strobes in the fog lights? im also a vol fireman and would like to eventually put lights and siren on my truck

Volly FF here, too. I've got a light bar suctioned to my window and two smaller boxes facing the rear. I'll try to get a youtube vid up soon.

How about a vid of yours?

Im not a vol. ff nor a policeman but I wanna get some strobes goin :D
