Disable seat belt warning buzzer? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Disable seat belt warning buzzer?


New Member
September 23, 2003
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Falls Church, VA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'03 XLT
Is there a way to disable the seatbelt warning buzzer on an "03 XLT?

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..put your seatbelt on.


Yes, there is a kinda complicated procedure in your owners manual. It involves turning your lights on and off and buckling your seatbelt a bunch of times.

If you look around the drivers side seat belt near the bottom of the seat you should find a sensor. Unplug it and you should be all set.

*Disclaimer perform this at your own risk. Always wear your seatbelt and by doing this you can not sue me.

I agree with wpurple, the easiest and safest method. :)

Why are you trying to disable it???

after you put your seat belt on take it off and it wont go off anymore. it is a little annoying when your warming up your car and doing stuff in the car that requires you to move around. I presonally feel naked with out my seat belt on. just part of driving.

mine makes a dinging noise but only for about 5 seconds

Let me clarify the disabling of the seatbelt question. I do use the seatbelt when on the road. However, I use the vehicle quite a lot when putting my boat in and out of the water in a private boat yard. My '95 would ding one series and quit. The '03 is persistent and annoying.

It should be in your owner's manual. It's called the BeltMinder system. It just beeps at you until you put your seatbelt on.
