Divorced Trasfer Case? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Divorced Trasfer Case?


Elite Movie Star
Elite Explorer
September 1, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Lake View Terrace, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 Navajo '99 X '19 Rngr
I was thinking today...in our SPuggy project, instead of going through all the head ache of getting new trans (c4/C5) and t-case, having the computer flashed , on top of the cost...Why not get a divorced 205. Twin stick it...and call it a day:D

Only negative I can see is the ratio suck in it:rolleyes: could add a klune later but that be getting a bit long in the drive train for a Sport.

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I don't know much about this stuff so forgive me if this is a stupid comment, but how far back would the t-case be after "divorcing" it? Because you've got the gas tank close by (are you keeping it stock?), and I also remember RJ being concerned about his rear driveshaft becoming too short when he was considering adding a doubler.

Tank is not a issue, as it will be moved. Fuel cell in the cargo area or B2 style tank .

205 is about 14" long. The 1354 is about the same length. I'm guessing the 4x4 and 4x2 Trans are about the same length or close. With some measurement from JP and taking out 10" of drive shaft from the rear to accommodate for a sport. I come up with about a 38" rear shaft. and my front shaft is 30" on JP. So depending on how long the divorced case shaft was, the drive shafts could be pretty close to the same length:D That would be awesome for spares! Don't quote me on these numbers however.

Buddy had a 76 F-250 with a factory divorced NP 205 and a stick,I gave him a 390 CJ out of a 68 Torino and it would throw the 3rd shaft right out of the truck.......what a beast.:D

I've even see a couple divorced cases as a doubler.

Dont see why it will not work.
