DIY 5.0 Exhaust on the cheap for My Build? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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DIY 5.0 Exhaust on the cheap for My Build?


Elite Explorer
December 6, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Montrose, CO
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 X-Edge
I came from F150/Bronco's and am finding the 5.0 dual exhaust on these to be adequate for my build with Torque Monster Headers. Well until you get to the muffler, I want some sound and a bigger 3" tailpipe. I am only running 5lbs of boost and the stock cam. It is not a high revving engine, moving more air but not that much more.

I would like to add a "Y" to 3", a decent muffler, eliminate the resonator, and 3" tailpipe out the back as the stock pipe runs. I found the "Y" I need and can pick a muffler.

I cut off the tailpipe for now and running a turn down after the muffler so I can match-up the tail pipe or get one made. I am emissions safe until the next inspection! I got about a year before I may need to go in for testing. They require all stock emissions equipment to be in place during a visual inspection here. 4 cats need to be present.

Has anyone matched-up a 3" tailpipe from a reasonably priced source?

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I would call some local shops to see if they could build you a custom 3" tailpipe.

Just have a local shop bend it up! You can even take in your old pipe and have them match it or bend up some coat hanger into the shape you need
With 5psi of boost 3" tailpipe will work well!
With naturally aspirated mild 302 a 2.5" exit will help keep some low end torque

Just have a local shop bend it up! You can even take in your old pipe and have them match it or bend up some coat hanger into the shape you need
With 5psi of boost 3" tailpipe will work well!
With naturally aspirated mild 302 a 2.5" exit will help keep some low end torque

Yup, I cut the tailpipe off and can take it in to get one bent-up. I should have my turbo muffler the first of the week.

I am going to try this inexpensive Turbo Muffler. It is reversable. I'll try to take a few pics as I do it. I will have it this coming week. I will start with this and may add a resonator. I want to hear it but I also like to hear the blower and my stereo. I'll likely run a turn-down till I get the tailpipe made. That will make it sound it bit louder inside Vs pushing it out the tailpipe, so I will tune for sound accordingly.

First cuts some nasty neck down adapters to fit the muffler.

The cats are large.

Inside view.


Restrictive less than 2" ID neck down at the muffler.

Sound, Ha, had to run it a bit with just cats.

Turbo muffler 2 1/2 in 3" out (reversable).

Temporary turn down. It was supposed to be 3" ID but I had to split it to fit it.

I saved the tail pipe and will take it in to a shop and get a 3" made.

I don't think I will need a resonator. It's great with the turn down and will get a bit quieter when run out back. I will get another sound video up. It is not loud like a chamber muffler and with four cats it's pretty mellow but has a nice low rumble at idle.

Seat of the pant feel is that it lost a little low end torque but man she pulls quicker from 3000 on up!!!! When I found the seriously small neck downs I knew I may have gone a bit big.

It will likely be just right with 2 or 3lbs more boost.................................

Ditch those secondary cats!!
Looks good thus far

She is ready to rumble! Constantly at idle and is a bit loud for me. I think it will be perfect with a tailpipe.

These are good kitties, large, and flow seems to no longer an issue! Colorado requires what was on at the factory to be there at inspection. I may be able to get an exception for two new high flow cats downs the road with more boost..................More research needed

I had to post this pic with my tape measure across the muffler pipes. The stock manifolds/headers are junk and then there is the neck downs at the stock muffler:


I gave-up on the video sound clip. Seems Iphone doesn't catch the low sounds/bass anyway.........................

Well............ I showed-up to get a tailpipe made Friday and they didn't have any 3" stock, they can get me in tomorrow but wants $200 for crimping it, promissing 2 1/2" crimps in the bends........................I check with the local hotrod exhaust................$700 mandrel-bent, stainless, piece, of over-priced artwork (two to three weeks out) ................................... everyone is busy and the most promissing shop as advertised needed a tech to be able to use their equipment and was hoping to have someone hired soon.

I built my own.

I used several clamps, two 18" lengths of 3" flex line, two 18" lengths of 3" tube, two turn downs, an extra couple of hangers and I made a high flow 3" tailpipe. No more blub, blub, blub, blub under the truck!

It goes like this, 18 rigid tube, first turn-down as the turn-up over the axle, flex tubes over the axle with a joint in between, 18" tube, and then turn-down. I needed to apply extra hangers at the back rigid pipe to keep the tail pipe in place with the flex lines moving otherwise. I reworked the stock muffler hanger, it's beefy. I don't expect it to hold-up like a nice mandrel bent stainless but it should serve at least a few years. I straitened it considerably from the stock bends and cut away one inside corner of the heat shielding to do so.







Oh poop! The inexpensive, cheap, crappy, flex line has broken! I had hoped it would last a couple years. It broke where the hard line was chaffing it at a bend. It would likely have lasted longer. She got louder as the break is under the rig.

I have ordered two different 3", mandrel bent, tail pipes from Summit Racing - Walker Exhaust for about $160 total with shipping. I will use both to weld-up one that works.................... pics to follow. I wont have the pipes till next week.

The leak:


I got the tail pipe Saturday and installed one yesterday. I got an awesome mandrell bent piece that wouldn't work and ended-up installing a crimped-up 3" tail pipe, not all I wanted but it is good. A little blown 306 at around 8lbs and a 5,000RPM redline, ahhh it should be plenty of flow.

I removed the sideways damper shock to get more room and have not noticed a difference in the ride (had previously taken-off the sway bar).

I want to do a little more work on it and will get some pics up including what I bought, cause it fits well and exits at a 45 degree angle to the back passenger corner..

This 3" tail pipe is more like a 2 1/2" with the bends. I think it is a good fit for 'off the shelf'. However it was supposed to be 'mandrell bent'. It's a "Walker Exhaust 56211 - Walker Tailpipes". The only mods thus far to the pipe was cutting off the hangers and I cut about 5" off of the tip. It is installed with the axle side damper shock removed and with lift shackles. The lack of a bumper and trimmed-up sides equals me, still needing to finishing it up. I will cut and weld to get the exit up higher and more out of harms way. If it had a bumper, it appears the pipe would exit right under it.





I revisited the exhaust. I didn't like it dumping to the side rear. It was loading the garage with fumes on start-up. I cut the pipe and added a 4" tip with nice rolled edges.

It went from this:



To this:


( Yup, I will cut some steel caps and weld to the end of the bumper to finish it up)

I replaced the Turbo Muffler I had installed with a fully welded Chamber Muffler. A cheap FlowMaster, Flow Monster. It has better flow and a louder sound, but not loud at all with 4 cats. I recorded on my old iphone 7, doesn't get the lowest bass and its sounds better in person or with a sub woofer.

Flow Monster welded-up in china, sold by Flowmaster cheap $35 plus $20 shipping.



Here is a really quick clip:


Sounds great
I dig it

My wife likes it to

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