Do you got led bulbs and flashing problem? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Do you got led bulbs and flashing problem?

some folks have experienced the problem when replacing their bulbs with LED's such as in their tail lights and turn signals, in 91-94 x's

where i had leds in my tail lights and they worked fine when i put just them in ..and had regular bulbs in the front.

today when i got my turn signal leds and put them in i noticed that the turn signal flashed really slow. this is due to having leds in the front and rear...i guess the resistance is too it flashes slowly.

this is because the Stock Turn Signal Flasher is a Thermal type. so What i did was went to autozone and got me a "Electronic Flasher- Variable load" popped that sucker in and they work great now.

i will post the part number for the flasher, it was like 8 bucks and the cool thing is, and those of you with 91-94's will understand ......the stock turn signal noise sounds so sickly...with this baby, she sounds like newer cars turn signals.

just thought i'd enlighten everyone...i know someone eles had said somethign bout this before, but i'm just posting because i was quite happy with the outcome and i couldnt' find the part number before so i will post it for others


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I have LED's in my brake lamps...because i have the clear outs, and my "red colored bulbs" that i was buying kept fading out on me (partially becasue of my police strobes...they would heat the bulb up so much the paint would wear away where the strobe was near...)

So i bought a pair of the LED's..i love em, their nice and bright..however, my stupid Eddie Bauer computer does not realize that the bulbs are LED's, so everytime i start my car, it says "check tail lamps" (if lights are on) and as soon as i brake, it says "check brake lamps"

So that is kind of annoying, but ticket free for the 2 months ive hade them :rolleyes:


Do you have a part number for that flasher?

no i threw the reciept away.....but just go to autozone
and by the fuses you'll find the flashers.

the one you need has 2 prongs and is a
the price on it should be like 7.99.

I was thinking about replacing my stock bulbs to LEDs. I wanted to change the front and rear turn signals and the brake lights too. I was wondering if I would need that variable load flasher? If I did need it, where would I install it to? I'm not electronically inclined :)

if you upgrade all your bulbs to LED's i think 99.9% positive that you will need to buy a ELECTRONIC VARIABLE LOAD FLASHER. Not sure what the one in your 98 looks like but i'm almost sure it is located in your fuse box inside the truck.
if you have the manual to your truck that will help out lot, the fuse panel cover might even say.
It should be a round kind of large fuse probably silver in color, and just pulls out. and you just plug the new one in... seriously takes about 20 seconds to do.
then take it out and go into autozone and find a electronic variable load one that looks like the stock one.

any other questions just holler


Thanks for the quick reply, I'll look into it.
