Does a black or stainless/chrome brush gaurd look better on white explorer? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Does a black or stainless/chrome brush gaurd look better on white explorer?


Elite Explorer<br>ECX Member
May 28, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
St Petersburg, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
99' EB Expedition
I have a white xlt. I want to get a brush gaurd but I am not sure which color to get? I am debating between black or the stainless steel/ chrome one. Oh, and if anyone knows of a good gaurd for a reasonable price, could you please tell me where to look. It seems black ones are around $400 and the chrome/stainless are about $550-$650. And I dont plan to beat the crap out of it offroad. It would there "just in case" I need it :). I have been looking at and If anyone knows about these sites and suggests anything, please let me know. And finally, is a brush gaurd something I can install or will I need some professional help? Thanks everyone.:chug:

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Do you have much trim on your truck? Is the trim black or grey?

I tend to lean towards black, and it's cheaper :)

What do you mean by trim? I have the stock chrome going around the edges, and then there is the chrome trim on the door molding. There is black around the rear window. Is that what you were looking for?

Personal I choose to go with the black one piece Manik brushguard. I've been very impressed with the quality and craftsmanship. The stainless/chrome guards are just too flashy for my taste.

You can easily install this guard your self in an hour. Using a wrench scale, this would be a one wrench project.

Here is a pic of mine.


  • front grill and lights.jpg
    front grill and lights.jpg
    37.8 KB · Views: 384

my preference is chrome.. you have a crhome grille.. black blends in too well.


basically.. IMO, if you're going for just looks.. get chrome/stainless if you plan on using it for what its designed for... get black/stainless chrome isn't tough enough.

either way I'd recommend a manik 1 peice.. good strong guards

btw about difficulty.. its not hard, but.. many times when people install guards themselves, they install them leaning too far forward, I'd guestimate maybe an hour installation if its done right. I had mine done.. as it was a warranty exchange.

Well, if it is planned on getting beat on , it really doesn't matter , Black=cheaper, Stainless=Would prally show less 'wear n tear'/would take longer than black

I think a black guard looks better regardless of what color your truck is.

Why not get a black one (cheaper) and put a coat of white herculiner on it? Seriously though, that's pretty damn original, not to mention sweet looking.

Thanks for your opinions. And another question, I dont really know anything about trucks, is a brush gaurd installation something i should leave to the pros, and if so what shoul expect to pay?

You must not have read the above posts. They state (and I agree) that these installs are easy and should be attempted by the owner.

Go with a black one. They do look better IMO.

with my x, there is some chrome on the bumper and then I put the billet grill in. Going with the black gaurd will bring the crome that you do have out more. Makes for a good blend

I have a white XLT and will be going with the chrome. Looks better than black IMHO.

Personally I prefer the black. It's more utilitarian

Chrome guards are really flashy, and when I see a truck or SUV with a chrome grill guard I just automatically think "that truck's all for looks, it's never going off-road".

I like the black one. i don't have much chrome on the X so it would look kinda funny. if ya go off-road, the black ones look better all muddy. for street, w/ a good bit of chrome, go w/ the chrome one.
