Does anyone make a 2.5 inch catback for SOHC Sports? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Does anyone make a 2.5 inch catback for SOHC Sports?


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July 16, 2001
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99 Explorer Sport
I see tons of threads of people changing just the muffler, or getting a shop to do up a kit for them - but I'm looking for something I can install myself.

A local shop quoted me $1000 :wtf: to run duals on my 86 half ton, which to me would be one of the easiest vehicles to install a custom setup.(I can order a kit for less than 300 with mufflers for that truck)

So I'm not going to bother with asking them about a 99 Sport.

I found this kit in the archives, but it doesn't list the pipe size of it:

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Plenty of companys make them. For one, Gibson Performance makes a few different ones for your truck.. just depends on how loud you want it.

It's a daily driver, I don't mind a bit of extra growl but I only want it to yell at WOT.

Gibson I think is a bit too expensive I think for my taste the last I checked - I'll check a couple of vendor websites.

Gibson isn't terrible loud, just a nice growl.. The aluminized systems are around $340 and the stainless are $440ish..

The pictures look like a single in single out instead of a dual in single out.

If your truck is in the exhaust clip thread I'll have a listen to it.

They make different set ups. The normal one that I've seen is a side sweep exhaust where a single pipe exists out the side behind the passenger rear tire. I'm pretty sure you have the 4.0 SOHC right? They make a dual into the muffler and single out for that engine depending on the year I think.

I have a 4.0 OHV engine which sounds a lot different than the SOHC. I didn't post on the exhaust clip thread by the way..

flowmasters would work i got 2 1/2 inch tips on mine

Walker Dynomax makes a 2.5" stainless steel tailpipe. Connect that to a muffler with a 2.5" outlet. Now marry up a system of y-pipes & straight pipes to your cats, or simply run the cats up to a dual in / single out muffler.

Let's assume that like my truck, your cats exit at 2.25". Run a 2.25" pipe from each cat, and connect those to a 2.25" dual inlet / 2.5" single outlet muffler. Then connect the Walker Dynomax tailpipe and you're set. You can fab up that whole system for around $200 worth of parts. It's up to you whether you want to have it welded up by a muffler shop, or connect everything with clamps.



Check ebay for 2 1/2" cat back exhaust system. There are different manufacturers and they just ship the set up to your door for you to install. If the exact set up you want isnt listed,contact them and enquire how much they'll ask for what you want.

If you need an adapter from 2 1/4" to 2 1/2" either include that from the shop you got your system from or get it from your local exhaust boys.

I actually would purchase the whole Dynomax system, but what they have on their website is for 4 door Xs. I had Dynomax Super Turbo setups on my 2 previous 93 Explorers and loved it.

I'm assuming the whole system would be shorter for the 2 door X obviously.

I'd love to try a Dynomax 2.5 with an ultraflo muffler. I have an email sent into the Dynomax office to see what they have or options.

I think that the only difference is that the 4 door system has a little more pipe between the muffler and the cats. You, or a decent shop, should be able to cut the pipes to mke it fit.

Or just use the dynomax tail pipe, and any muffler of your choice.

I think you're right - the intermediate pipe on the 4 doors is just longer but the rest is the same.

I had a good look at it today while doing the leaf springs and then pictures on the webpages of the exhaust. In that case it makes it easy, I'll just get the dynomax/walker tailpipe and then whichever muffler.

On my 5.0L V8 I used a Holley Flowtech Red Hots glass pack.

I might be springing a cat back system on the wife to get me for Christmas, so the hunt is back on for an actual bolt on kit.

I see that some exhausts are for SOHC after a certain build or if you "E" in the win sequence?

The diagrams of the Gibson Explorer Sport exhausts show a single inlet, and I definitely have a dual inlet, single outlet.

I believe that Gibson uses a standard diagram and that the actual product is specific to your vehicle. You could always call to make sure! ;)

Actually they have a special note indicating it's a single in, single out setup.

Dynomax's answer if I asked if they had Sport cat backs:


Thank you for contacting Walker/Dynomax Technical Support.

We apologize for the delay in our response.
In regards to your request, unfortunately we don't offer a performance exhaust system for your 2 door ´99 ford explorer model by this moment.
Thank you for your interest in our products.

For further questions or assistance, please contact technical assistance at 734-384-7809 M - F 8:30am - 5:30pm EST.

Walker Dynomax makes a 2.5" stainless steel tailpipe. Connect that to a muffler with a 2.5" outlet. Now marry up a system of y-pipes & straight pipes to your cats, or simply run the cats up to a dual in / single out muffler.

Let's assume that like my truck, your cats exit at 2.25". Run a 2.25" pipe from each cat, and connect those to a 2.25" dual inlet / 2.5" single outlet muffler. Then connect the Walker Dynomax tailpipe and you're set. You can fab up that whole system for around $200 worth of parts. It's up to you whether you want to have it welded up by a muffler shop, or connect everything with clamps.



This would be your best bet. Even thought I completely redid my exhaust, before I had the offroad Y pipe, I chopped the muffler off, welded in a dual input, single output Y pipe, then a single in/out muffler and dumped it under my truck. I've seen above where you said certain kits are too expensive, so this would be your best bet- of course thinking you have a welder. My Y pipe is all welded, but after that I used all clamps. I did this to quickly swap out mufflers, remove or install high flow cat, ect.

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i went to and bought the MAC catback for my four door the pipeing is 2-1/2 but the exhaust is quit loud im not gonna lie the do however have a catback for your sport so it my be worth a look
