doorhinge pin..where to get? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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doorhinge pin..where to get?


February 11, 2006
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Year, Model & Trim Level
91 4.0
As I´ve seen on other posts i´m not the only one with a sagging drivers door on my -91 expl/navajo.. but my problem is where to find the repair kit people talk about? My local(swedish) ford shop has never heard about it..never heard of service attitude as well :mad:

Can someone me to a place that carry that kit and perhaps do have a webshop and ship international?
Other helpful ideas will be appreciated as well.

Thank you kindly

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Well I do not know what kind of car parts stores you have in sweden, but you can usually buy the pin either seperate or as a kit that includes the pin, bushings and c clip. They are carried at most US parts stores in the Help parts selection.
Also I have bought full kits, enought to do both hinges on both doors, you will need two kits for a 4dr, from a company on ebay out of Florida, good stuff, great service. Do a search on ebay for the pin kit, it should pop up.

I found them listed on NAPA Auto Parts' website. I'm not sure if they ship worldwide, but in Google you can search under "Napa" (in quotation marks) and browse their online store when you find their site. You can enter the year and model of your Ford Truck (as their website lists it under) and see. The kits from Napa were a little over $6.00 for my 1993, in US Dollars.

Here, I went and looked it up. Maybe this will take you right to the page.

thank you..

Thank you for the information.. shipped via USPS airmail about 10$ .. thank god for internet!!
The regular car part companies around here doesnt carry much US parts.. and Ford it self has a lousy sparepart policy..they don´t stock parts older than 10yrs.. and the companies specialized in US part are either into more modern powercars, or old classics from 50´s.. an -91 explorer falls somewhere between.. :rolleyes:
And dont even consider Mazda..when I pulled up there and asked for parts for a Navajo I ended up with 10 guys staring at my car and scrathing their heads!! :D
