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Dora the Explorer

December 12, 2009
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93 Eddie Bauer
First, let me start out. I am 12 and I own a 1993 Ford Explorer Eddie Bauer. I know, it may sound crazy, but it is true. It all started when I fell in love with a totaled jeep at this junkyard. That was what I wanted. After I got it, the man would not give us the paperwork. We waited 3 months for him to give it to us. He never did. So we looked on craigslist and found a 1993 Ford Explorer. I liked it. So we called and he asked 1000 for it. After we told my story, he let us have it for 500. So we up to this point, it runs and drives beautifully. Thats my story.

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So it's going to sit in your yard until you can drive?

No. My dad and I go for little drives around the farm, but my parents use it for hauling off trash and stuff like that.

yes, show us some pictures! thats really cool that your dad lets you drive once in a while. My dad did the same when I was around 12, every once in a while got to drive around our '94 5 speed F-250 with the 460! would drive around on the BLM land/Pinedale Anticline/Mesa. nothing out there, just a bunch of land (this was in Wyoming....)

Yes. These pictures I am posting are from when I first bought it. I am sorry to ask, but how do you post pictures???



This is when I first got it.

Welcome to the forum!
Great looking truck.

From looking a the last picture, did anyone else notice that the Flex's kind of look like the 1st Gen Explorers? I guess Ford realized "Why reinvent the wheel?"

its clean

Welcome! I grew up exactly the same way. I was working on a farm when I was 12, 4x4 was usually the way to get to where we needed to go. It was work back then (don't let anyone know it's fun or they won't bargain with you) LOL!

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