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Dora the Explorer

Thanks everybody!!!!! Right now, I am in this sort of stuck mode. I want to do some stuff with it like playing around in the mud or adding new speakers. But I am afraid, that something else is going to break. This summer the starter went out and the headlight switch went out to. Should I have it checked out to make sure everthing is okay before I start playing in the mud or adding new stuff? The reason I am asking this is because old Dora has 244,00 miles on it.

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is it a automatic? gotta be careful if it is, the trans isnt all to tough and wont take abuse. be careful to the old girl. if you treat her well she'll treat you well

hijack: williams.cory: When did you live up there? I worked in piney for a company that did work in the jonah.

hijack: williams.cory: When did you live up there? I worked in piney for a company that did work in the jonah.

LOL. well we moved in mid 2006. ever hear of Pason Systems? damn hard job in the pinedale anticline/jonah field! they went through guys like crazy

It is in automatic, but it has never slipped. I live in Middle Tennessee on an 18 acre farm. It is very hilly. Oh and I worked for my dad and I mowed lawns. I once pushed mowed a 3 arce land for $100. Man, I was sore for the next week!!!!

It is in automatic, but it has never slipped. I live in Middle Tennessee on an 18 acre farm. It is very hilly.

well a trans that doesnt slip doesnt mean it will last forever. the A4LD's are famous for blowing the front main seals on the trans. Its not the greatest trans, but its just fine if you drive easy and dont abuse it. I wouldnt make it a habit of rough housing it....

I am real easy on on it, but do you think it is ok if I play around in the mud???

I worked for Frontier company. They contract out to all the big companies on both sides of the cutoff for a bunch of different things. They also own several businesses in Marbleton and Piney.

I worked for Frontier company. They contract out to all the big companies on both sides of the cutoff for a bunch of different things. They also own several businesses in Marbleton and Piney.

hmmmm, I havnt heard of them. How long did you live there? I lived ther all my life, that is until my parents wanted to move and at the time I was 14 so I kinda had to go with I miss that place SOOO much though, I'd do anything to go back there. Never knew how great of a life I had/area lived in until I saw the rest of the U.S. when we went RVing around the states. Just to think we live in crappy michigan now :(

I worked for Frontier company. They contract out to all the big companies on both sides of the cutoff for a bunch of different things. They also own several businesses in Marbleton and Piney.

hey while you were there, did you ever here of a business called Hi-Tech Carpet Systems? My dad owned that business. Or Wind River Pizza? My uncle just bought that place.

I dont know that carpet place. I'm pretty sure I have eaten at the pizza place in pinedale. I only lived there a year, I have many friends who live up there, and I visit them.

Dora rhe Explorer

Is there some cool accessiories I can buy for Dora?
