Driver door problems | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Driver door problems


New Member
June 17, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Waianae, Hawaii
Year, Model & Trim Level
91/92/93/95 explorers
Hey everyone,
I've searched for my problem but it seems no one else has had my problem. There are some threads where people can not get their door ajar light to turn off. I have a totally different problem, on my 1996 Explorer when my driver door is open, it does not trigger the dome light, door ajar or the door chime. Also that door wont lock or unlock electronically (i've read the threads on this problem and will try somethings that were listed) however it is not frozen and I can unlock it with a key. my problem is that I have a clifford alarm on it and I need it to trigger the alarm IF someone opens my drivers door which is the most important door. I was wondering if anyone knew where or what triggers the door ajar/chime? kinda stumped on this one. Thanks for you help in advance
