Driver Side (L) Rear Flashing Turn and Brake Light Problem | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Driver Side (L) Rear Flashing Turn and Brake Light Problem


July 5, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Brooklyn, NY Bridgeport, CT (right now)
Year, Model & Trim Level
'01 Sport
Hi All,

01 Explorer Sport. I have no left rear turn signal and no left rear brake light anymore. I still have night rear lights when the headlights are turned on but no illuminating brake lights and no turn signal on the left rear at all even with the headlights on.

I have replaced the bulbs and the fuse and that does not help.

Where should I go from here? I am thinking multi function but am I jumping the gun here?


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Any help would be appreciated. Most notably an installation guide on the multifunction replacement.

Thanks again.

Any chance you were able to figure this out? I've got a similar problem and could use a few pointers on where to look...

Does your indicator on your dash show a turn signal on the left for turn????


Yes my turn signal does indicate inside of the dash but it is at an extremely fast rate. I understand that this may indicate bad bulb but I:

1. replaced bulb

2. REPLACED MULTIFUNCTION (sh*t, $100 bones)

Neither of these is the culprit. I also bought a flasher which I have determined to be the last stop before having to shell out more money to have this professionally done.

So, I tried to get to the flasher area of my 2001 Explorer Sport and so far have taken off:

1. The steering wheel covers
2. The three screws holding the instrument panel covers in place
3. Then the two screws holding the air/heating knobs

and started pulling things apart.

Had half the freakin front plastic pieces all halfway off and could not even SEE the flasher area.

So, PLEASE someone give me a "one, two three" on how to get to the flasher area.

I do know that it is to the right of the steering wheel and below the instrument panel (thanks Haynes) but how do I get to the freakin thing without 3 hours of worthless work?????

Thanks in advance.


well.... another dumb question???? Have you tried using a meter on the socket area to check for.... you guessed it.... voltage AND grounds????????

PS. I doubt that its a flasher issue.... no brake light...hmmmm?????

Would voltage and grounds affect just the illumination of the back left brake light? The back left running light works fine.

I will look in Haynes for the voltage procedure but from my research on this board it seems like this might have been a flasher or multi function problem and I have already replaced one so it must be the other. Lets see I do have a meter so I will try this and report back.

"normally", running lights and brake lights are "separate".... difference bulbs, different sockets, or different filaments..... as a result, each "function" gets its voltage from a different "source".... running lights get their voltage from the headlight switch (and might go thru the MFS) while brake lights get theirs from the brake pedal switch. Since the brake lights (right and left) both get their voltage from the same "source" and the right works, it would appear your problem is "near" the left socket / bulb. Hopefully you can use the meter to determine your problem. To help your self out, use the "tests" on your working lights (ie. right side) as a "control".... you should then see "similar" results when measured on the non-working left. My money is on a broken wire / poor contact at the socket but your meter will verify that.
