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Driveshaft help


Active Member
December 24, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Valois, NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Sport
Quick question for everyone. Doing a manual tcase swap this weekend. Currently have electric case with cv style front shaft. Need to know which year explorer has the right front shaft to match up with the manual tcase and the front axle. I believe its a 96 or 97 but wanna be sure before i head to the jy to grab one.

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Since we have no idea what you're working with, we can't help much. But I must say...just about every transfer case swap imaginable has been tried here. If you did some searching, I'll bet you could get your answer.

Basically I have a front driveshaft with a cv style joint coming off the front of the case. I need to know which year explorers had u joints at both ends of the front shaft. Thanks.

if you post what transfer case is going in, then you might get some more help. 95 did not have a cv style front shaft.

Yeah I think its the 95.

sorry its goin in a 01 sport. this electric garbage needs to go. got everything i need except the front driveshaft and the one that was in the donor truck was the wrong length but i remember reading somewhere that other year shafts worked with the swap. Just cant remember the year.
