Driving then front wheels suddenly locked | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Driving then front wheels suddenly locked


New Member
December 13, 2010
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So I was driving and when I started braking for the red light my truck suddenly locked. I pushed on the gas to move to the side of the street so that I didn't block the traffic and noticed that my back wheels where spinning but the front wheels where locked in place. Steering is good because I could move the drivers wheels and the wheels move to the sides but they wont turn. After a minute or two I noticed that my right wheel was now flat. I got under to try and check what was going on but didn't find anything out of the ordinary during the 2 minutes I was down there because of the cold chicago wheather. Anyone have any ideas on what it could be? BTW I have a 2000 ford explorer xlt 4x4 v6 truck.

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Did just one side lock up or are both sides locked? Unlike that both caliper brackets broke at same time. Sounds more like front differential or transfer case issue if both sides locked up. Better tow it someplace warm. :)

:)... cold winter driving on a flat tire ain't going to work well... :) were you "spinning" your rear tires on dry pavement or on ice? I suspect ice/snow. More than likely, if you fix your flat, you'll be ok... BUT as suggested, while you have the tire off, check your brake system.

i don't think its the calipers either. Just had the front left one replaced less than 2 months ago, but both front wheels are locked. I am also thinking its the differential. BTW how can I check if the hub locks are engaged or how can I disengage them?

The hubs on that vehicle are automatic and are done through a solenoid on top of the diff itself. You would normally notice a whining noise if your diff was going to blow. The flat tire wouldn't stop the truck from driving normally though. Best bet would be to bring it to the shop and have them take a peak at the diff.

i don't think its the calipers either. Just had the front left one replaced less than 2 months ago, but both front wheels are locked. I am also thinking its the differential. BTW how can I check if the hub locks are engaged or how can I disengage them?

Even more reason to suspect the caliper bracket popped loose.

This might have cracked the rim causing a flat.

If it none of the above. A guy I worked with had the same problem but with a back wheel. He done replaced his whole braking system one by one and come to find out it was the ABS module mounted on the bottom of his truck. He has a 94 F250.
Everyonce in a while after driving it for about 5-10 min He would stop and go to take off and his wheel would be locked up. Didn't help that he had a standard transmission. Ha.

Even more reason to suspect the caliper bracket popped loose.

This might have cracked the rim causing a flat.

lol right on the money, took of the wheel the caliper was all loose and it had a bolt missing. the wheel was flat because the rim cracked from the inside.

Had that caliper bracket ruin a wheel on my 99 Grand Cherokee, amazing how thin wheel rims are.

If a caliper came loose on one side how would both wheels be locked up?? I'm going out on a limb and guessing the diff locked up and the caliper just happened to come loose at that time? I might be wrong but I lost a front caliper once before on my 99 XLT and my wheels didn't lock up I was able to pull right in to the gas station..

If a caliper came loose on one side how would both wheels be locked up?? I'm going out on a limb and guessing the diff locked up and the caliper just happened to come loose at that time? I might be wrong but I lost a front caliper once before on my 99 XLT and my wheels didn't lock up I was able to pull right in to the gas station..

I am going out on a limb and saying only one front wheel was locked up.

If a caliper came loose on one side how would both wheels be locked up?? I'm going out on a limb and guessing the diff locked up and the caliper just happened to come loose at that time? I might be wrong but I lost a front caliper once before on my 99 XLT and my wheels didn't lock up I was able to pull right in to the gas station..

its weird what happened. The caliper was loose for the side that actually moved a little then locked up. The other side was where the tire was locked and didnt move but I checked it and everything was fine. After replacing the caliper bracket bolts and putting on the wheel the truck worked just fine and both front wheels are rotating. Its freaking scary how the bolts come loose and sometimes lost like this.

I had the same problem i forgot to tight brake caliper bolts and one fell of and basically felt like some thing locked up

I had the same problem i forgot to tight brake caliper bolts and one fell of and basically felt like some thing locked up


This seems to be a Ford problem, and I have a heavy hunch it's from using anti seize. My mustang did the SAME thing (after having new calipers/pads on for less than 10k miles), the bottom caliper bracket bolts are usually the first ones to back out...stepping on the brakes with this bolt missing allows the caliper to pivot off of the top bracket bolt moving in a counter clockwise motion and smashing into the wheel.

If you can:
Stop in reverse without this issue
Reach into the spoke and move the caliper/caliper bracket
Stop using the emergency brake

I would bet you need to replace these bolts, and possibly replace your rim.

The same thing just happened to me! I've been hearing a slight clunking upon braking for a month or two. On my way home from work my tire went completely flat and I skid. Was able to pull into a bank and found that the passenger side front caliper swung up and hit my rim. I'm assuming it's cracked. I don't know where the bottom bolt is either... I am currently sitting in my truck waiting for a tow truck because of one stupid bolt...


This seems to be a Ford problem, and I have a heavy hunch it's from using anti seize. My mustang did the SAME thing (after having new calipers/pads on for less than 10k miles), the bottom caliper bracket bolts are usually the first ones to back out...stepping on the brakes with this bolt missing allows the caliper to pivot off of the top bracket bolt moving in a counter clockwise motion and smashing into the wheel.

If you can:
Stop in reverse without this issue
Reach into the spoke and move the caliper/caliper bracket
Stop using the emergency brake

I would bet you need to replace these bolts, and possibly replace your rim.

You shouldn't be using anti seize on the threads of the caliper mounting bolts. You should use a thread locker and torque them to spec.

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Finally got home! Got a ride to the nearest advanced auto and spent $7 on replacement bracket bolts. Did the trick. Going to a junkyard tomorrow for a new rim.
