Dropping my 04 X NEED HELP!!!!!!!!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Dropping my 04 X NEED HELP!!!!!!!!!


March 29, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
cresco, iowa
Year, Model & Trim Level
2004 ford explorer limite
ok i have a 04 explorer that i really am thinkin bout droppin, it 4wd also. What i want to know if 2wd drop springs will work on a 4wd? thought bout getting these http://www.stillen.com/product.asp?id=BTCOILSP01 but do i also need camber adjusters to get aliment back on track? like these http://www.summitracing.com/parts/SPS-86140/ and these http://www.summitracing.com/parts/SPS-86180/ o and what kinda of drop shocks should i get if some one could point me in the right direction of those too.

PLEASE if anyone can help me out on this i would GREATLY APPRECIATE IT!!!!


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why do you want to drop a 4x4?

there may be clearance issues with the differential.

why do you want to drop a 4x4?

there may be clearance issues with the differential.

to make it look better since i am on 22s. and it not all wheel drive or anything just has 4wd optional... just really need help on this one guys on what to do. of i thought bout a 1.6 drop all around if thats better but the lower the better imo.

anyone??? all i really want to know is will those springs work for my x just because it says they are for 2wd, but i see lots of ground force drops for Xs that say 2/4wd. Another question i really need anwsered is do i have to buy camber kits or when my local shop puts the springs in they could already have some kits for my camber and could just fix that. so PLEASE ANY HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks

The Belltech site doesn't really say...in fact it doesn't specify anywhere that they are for 2wd only, just that it fits any.

AFAIK, the 2wd and the 4x4 models use the same strut assemblies...so my first reaction would be yes, they fit. However, if it were me..I would call the manufacturer personally (call Belltech, not the 3rd party you're linking) and ask them.

In reference to the "drop shocks" you're asking about, just remember you don't have shocks, you have struts. They make drop struts...so keep that in mind.

The Belltech site doesn't really say...in fact it doesn't specify anywhere that they are for 2wd only, just that it fits any.

AFAIK, the 2wd and the 4x4 models use the same strut assemblies...so my first reaction would be yes, they fit. However, if it were me..I would call the manufacturer personally (call Belltech, not the 3rd party you're linking) and ask them.

In reference to the "drop shocks" you're asking about, just remember you don't have shocks, you have struts. They make drop struts...so keep that in mind.

ok thanks, what would be better lowering springs or coil springs?

ok i just got off the phone with coil springs.com and they are helpin me out gave them my vin number to see what my part #s are on the coils, they will be callin me back soon to see what they can all do for me. ALL i can say bout them so far is GREAT CUSTOMER SERVISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if you guys need any help when you call make sure you call extention 124 he is the best lol!!

as for as springs the ground force lowering springs work for 2wd and 4wd i have them on the wifes 02 eb v8 i just kept the stock struts but im looking to upgrade them soon

I have an 04 2wd with the 4.0 and i actually installed the ground force's this past weekend. As for the 2wd/4wd situation with the springs I believe they are the same. Now for the allignment ... thats fun lol i was able to get it pretty alligned the only thing is the front camber adjustment bolts have a shim that doesnt allow it to move so you have to take it out and either cut it or use washers. other than that it alligns pretty close to factory specs.

well i asked my dealer if 2wd springs will work on my 4wd and he said no they wont because of the something i cant remeber what he said, but im sure GF makes them fit for both applications but yeah coilsprings.com hasnt got back to me but he said he was going to call first thing in the mornin. Yeah hopefully after i do this my auto shop can get it back to factory specs for the allinment if not i am sure they will figure something out.

yeah hopefully they can work they made a huge difference! they say it lowers it 1.6" i think it was a little more but handling is smooth just a little bouncy at times. The overall install of the kit with MOOG lower ball joints went fairly quickly, took about 2.5 hours and allignment was like another 1-1.5 good luck on it tho im enjoying it!


he said something bout the pumkin i want to say, but over all he said the springs would be shorter so idk i am just going to stay with coilsprings.com they still have3 yet to get back to me but i am callin them now.
