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E-303 Camshaft

thanks for teh excellent post Guy Groves. That pretty much answered all my questions. Hopefully i will have all the engine work done in about 6 weeks. that is just enough time to find deals on all the parts and get my guy to install them. Then, maybe about a month after that, i should have the chip installed.

E-303 Cam: ~$180
New Push Rods: ~$60
Performance Roller Rockers ~$200
Valve Spring Set: ~$120
Gaskets: ~$75
New Bolts Where needed: ~$25
New Timing Chain: ~$100
New Chip: ~$200
~$960 plus install

More than i was hoping, but i should be able to get some good deals here and there and we'll see how it goes. I should be able to get it all installed for about $100 plus lunch.

Total of all stuff, some of which you may or may not actually need.

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Also it seems to me, remember when you are paying extra for those parts you didn't know you'd need... you're probably also getting more hp you didn't know you'd get with a cam swap....

I wish i could tear into my engine, I don't like paying a shop to do stuff, i'd rather do it myself and learn all the while. All i can do now is bolt ons and some regular matenence. In time maybe i'll learn.... any suggestions on how to become an engine builder :) ;)

Sorry to dissapoint you DarkFox1. I will admit I am a bit conservative, and possibly recomend more than may be required. But, consider this...

The auto maker (all of them) is producing large numbers of vehicles, they purchase large numbers of components. If they engineer a component to just what it needs to do and is not over-engineered it will cost less. A few cents here and there starts to add up and can make a significant difference to their bottom line.

The auto maker, thanks to the way purchasing does their job, will buy the cheapest part that will do the job. They go as far as to do a risk analysis where they determine the liability costs (hopefully only repair liabilities) for putting an inferior part in a car knowing they will only have to repair a percentage of the parts.

This is often the reason that a seemingly simply part change results in other "hidden costs".

I love to work on vehicles. I love to "fix them up" with enhancements. I HATE to repair broken stuff on a car. I will spend all sorts of time and effort to fabricate a cold air intake for example, but I hate it when I have to fix something that's broken. Even changing my oil is a pain (and it only takes a few minutes) and I find all sorts of excuses to do something else.

The result is I try (but can't always afford it) to do it right the first time and not skimp. This is the advantage of doing it yourself. Its your labor, and the money you save on labor you can put into better parts.

Also, I would rather error on the high side than get started into a project and not be able to finish it.

As myself, and Expo5.0 mentioned there are a great many "deals to be made". The costs I listed where my experience at over the counter costs for new parts. This is a good starting place.

Hunt down those deals ...

Again I will mention Mustang corral

There are lots of people who have made modifications and then want to upgrade further and have slightly used parts for sale, just like Expo5.0 mentioned.

My best advice is to make a plan and cost it out before you start. XLT_66 in in the middle of it, and should accomplish his objectives. Once you have a plan, and start the project don't deviate too much from the plan or you will run into trouble. That said you must also consider that there is something you forgot that will bite you in the @ss, so be prepared for the unexpected.

And most important, HAVE FUN.
Sorry for the long posts, but you asked ....

i would also like to add, if you want, you could probably hold off on the chip, to keep costs down. im just about positive that a chip will not be necessary with a cam swap on the X, but it will deffinatly help hp. if you want, do all the cam stuff now, and get a chip custom-burned for your setup later.

thats understandable guy, but, I can't speak for everyone on here, but for me at least, I find having to replace things such as lifters and the like for a daily driver alittle over-done. I mean, I've looked at a cam swap for a little while, even tho I need more maintainence than I need upgrades.... I think.. (long story) anyway.. I was looking at a cam personally as a "cheap" way to gain some decent power, that is, the ability to add things 1 at a time, I might could validate swapping a cam, I couldn't validate swapping $4500 worth of stuff to make the cam work lol

I definatley get what you're saying, and would do the same had I the chance, but thats financially unrealistic for a college student :p

Well, it is just like the Explorer is telling me no in some ways, today, one of the coil packs went bad, but i have it already replaced, and going around a corner today in traffic, the trasmission dropped into neutral and then kicked back in in the end of the turn causing my tires to sqeal and get a little sideways. It was fun and all, but from what i hear, that is a sign of a fading tranny.

Don't get me wrong though, the cam is still in mind, jsut got to check some stuff out first then get back to the game. Also, 4.10 gears are tempting me right now. I can get them in for cost of gears and a case of beer. I dunno, sounds like a good deal to me. The guy knows what he's doing, so i have to make up my mind if i wanna do it or not.

Okay man.. it's been 8 months. Have you got a cam yet?? :D I want one I want one I want one.

I want one too....

from the looks of his signature, he got the gears and the chip. Seems like if he had the cam, it'd be on that list :(

thats not necessarily true, i have a ton of stuff that isn't posted on the net...

Drew how much power increase we talkin here?

from what?

i dint read the whole thread, but you should really consider atleast a new upper and lower intake to go with the cam. it will have to be removed anyway.

From the cam Drew. New upper and lower?? For what?!

section ive been out of it for a while and i know a mustangs a little diff. but i put tb mas upper and lower intake on a 5.0 and it made a world of difference. i forget numbers (HP) but you will be satisfied and if you really want to go all out throw a set of aluminum heads on there. with those mods and exhaust and 3:73 gears i went from a 14.7 to a 13.2 quarter mile time. hope that helps ya

the cam is supposed to make 30 hp or so (thats what i've found in literature most often)

if i wasn't adding weight to my truck on a weekly basis with audio and air lift and stuff it would have a very good chance of running a high 14 with its current set-up. I ran 15.3 last year with most of my stuff as is- by reverse calculation (done on a internet calculator) that equals like 290-300 hp!!! if i started out at 215 thats a real, real big difference

I plan on changing the TB.. but the Explorers already have the Cobra equivilent intakes. I'm pretty sure they should be sufficient.

I plan on:
Fuel Pump

uhmm.. I think thats it.

i don't know about the throttle body. i've left mine stock and it seems to work alright, everything else is definitely needed.

oh ok i didnt know that. well good luck i wish i had a v8 again.

You talked me into it Drew. I'm not really trying to go for a street racer or anything
but I would like some more power and to get a little more out of my 5.0. That and I gotta take out my buddy's GF's brothers (whew) Integra.

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I NEED a detailed write up. I mean it. Don't go thowing in a cam w/ no pics and details.

Thanks in advance and good luck:) :) :) :) :) :) :)
