Eastcoast Newyears 06/07 Rausch Creek | Page 5 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Eastcoast Newyears 06/07 Rausch Creek

Ya, everyone was a beginner sometime, mainly me last year. Now look what they got me into, SAS, tranny swap. It never ends, but thats ok. :D

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oficcially subscribin. just gotta check my work schedule but shouldn,t be a problem for me. ill try to get some freinds together.

If were crashing ON any of the locals i call dibs on skunk.

Thanks guys, and yea i;ve had a lot fo work done to my truck already far too much to list but the trans, front, rear, and transfercase are all 06 models!

My uncle is a master aamco mechanic so he helped me alot on the work!

As for the trip, i can easily spring for the room. Is there a apx tim and meeting place, luckily im only 3 hours fomr y'all!

Hope to see y'all there, and i love off roading but im deff gonna need some adivce, lol last time i tried my hand an an ATV trail i hit a tree!

The brush guard saved my truck, THANK GOD

Kia Ora

Thanks guys, and yea i;ve had a lot fo work done to my truck already far too much to list but the trans, front, rear, and transfercase are all 06 models!
So you have an IFS/IRS grafted onto a first gen?

Thanks guys, and yea i;ve had a lot fo work done to my truck already far too much to list but the trans, front, rear, and transfercase are all 06 models!

My uncle is a master aamco mechanic so he helped me alot on the work!

As for the trip, i can easily spring for the room. Is there a apx tim and meeting place, luckily im only 3 hours fomr y'all!

Hope to see y'all there, and i love off roading but im deff gonna need some adivce, lol last time i tried my hand an an ATV trail i hit a tree!

The brush guard saved my truck, THANK GOD

Kia Ora

hate ta have that truck if its all 06 stuff..... :confused:

Yeah hitting trees is kinda expected. dont worry though we have a good spotter. He is blind but somehow is pretty good anyway.

dont worry about what your truck has on it. 31's is enough to get around pretty well.

Yeah hitting trees is kinda expected. dont worry though we have a good spotter. He is blind but somehow is pretty good anyway. .

He's a good spotter... until he gets one of his fawkin phone calls and suddenly disappears in the middle of spotting you through a particularly difficult obstacle :rant:

Rustang, I'm assuming you meant 'new 06 parts' as in everything you rebuilt or put on your truck is brand new... and not that you somehow managed to swap 2006 Explorer parts onto your old Explorer?

Most of the parts are not "new" they were rebuilt to liek new conditon by aamco, the A4LD was rebuilt with a bosshog TC and upgraded to a v-8 shift kit.

The rear is a newer, i believe 98 for 8.8 but was gutteted and rebuilt with an LS, i dont know the brand of LS though

As for the front its a 94, that was gutteted with all new internals, this is just an open diff no LS or anything.

so technicley they are not 06 parts but thats how my uncle refered to it.

And the engine is a 96 fomr an aerostar, this engine was rebuilt and cleaned. I did alot of the wrenching work on the engine but they did all the rest, i was outta town for a month and they said they'd do it for me!

And yea me and my brother should be joining y'all in Hazelton!

Most of the parts are not "new" they were rebuilt to liek new conditon by aamco, the A4LD was rebuilt with a bosshog TC and upgraded to a v-8 shift kit.

Okay, that's what I thought you meant, thanks for clarifying. I got a phone call at 1:30am when I was far past being unconscious, saying "Oh My God. I hope this newbie doesn't really think he has an '06 drivetrain under his first gen... that's physically impossible" :p

want to make it a meet and greet sunday night so the pavement pounders can come out and join in? And for those who are just joining up or only wheeling sunday or something.

Spas, i know what you mean, i worded it very WRONG! My truck is pretty much a pos minus the driveline, i mean the body is rusting away, hese my screen name!!! and the interior is in fairly bad shape, but i orgionaly got the truck for free so i dont care too much.

At least i got a "new" daily driver, heh a 200,000 + mile JGC, but i must say, i've never seen a more reliable vehcile, hope to see y'all there, i just need a time and i'll be there!

I also forgot to ask, is there anywhere to snowboard aound Hazelton, cause if im going to the mountains im damn sure i wana hit the slopes!

I also forgot to ask, is there anywhere to snowboard aound Hazelton, cause if im going to the mountains im damn sure i wana hit the slopes!

not close but there some mad a$$ coal banks to hit :D

pick a time. new years eve we gotta get to the park early in the AM. I probably would assume some are going to come up the night before.

I'm down for RC, but I'm down for pretty much anywhere. I said in the other thread I'd trying and bring the Ex up but I don't think thats happening since I sold my trailer and the SD is in Jersey and I don't think I can convince my parents to drive it down. I'd consider driving the Ex up to Jersey but it doesn't have pesky things like registration or insurance. That and the Ex is in Texas and I don't really have a way to get out there.... ANYWAY enough of my whining (I really don't have anything to complain about) I should be back in the states in a week.. I cant wait! :troops:

I'm down for RC, but I'm down for pretty much anywhere. I said in the other thread I'd trying and bring the Ex up but I don't think thats happening since I sold my trailer and the SD is in Jersey and I don't think I can convince my parents to drive it down. I'd consider driving the Ex up to Jersey but it doesn't have pesky things like registration or insurance. That and the Ex is in Texas and I don't really have a way to get out there.... ANYWAY enough of my whining (I really don't have anything to complain about) I should be back in the states in a week.. I cant wait! :troops:

Wow, you haven't rambled in a long ass time ;) I'm looking forward to drinking your ass under the table, buddy... I figure you've been so long without beer that it should be child's play :D

I also forgot to ask, is there anywhere to snowboard aound Hazelton, cause if im going to the mountains im damn sure i wana hit the slopes!

If you want to make it an extra day I can take you to a killer hill about 45 min from hazeltown, but its definatly not something to be done on the same day as one of the runs. Maybe you come over saturday and we ride, then head to hazeltown that night?

The mountains name is bear creek, just so you can look it up.

BOD worked or works at bear creek i think. you should contact him and see if he can help you out with cost

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I get a better discount at bear creek than their employees. :D At least I did last season.
