Eastcoast Newyears 06/07 Rausch Creek | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Eastcoast Newyears 06/07 Rausch Creek

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where or what is this place next to. would it be worth coming from virginia for.

DEFINATELY worth the trip from VA. You could link up with one of the marylanders and convoy up if it makes it easier. PM Blee1099 or spas if you want to talk to them about that.

The offroad park "Paragon" is in Hazleton PA 18202. You can mapquest that for more info. Rausch creek is less than an hour from paragon. You can go to www.paragonap.com for info and such. As one of the locals if you have any questions PM me and I will send you my cell number. Or catch me on AIM at Holdmytarget

I second the definatly worth the trip, I saw your rig from the crozet pics and id love to see it in action.

And as an incentive to those who come, I will be taking my blown a4ld and stuffing it with splosives (That is if rookie can find a blast site)

I CAN DEFINATELY FIND A SITE FOR THAT! Seeing an a4ld litteraly go boom would be great. definately video that

i'll bring either my saiga or .30-06 out to have fun with as well......

I CAN DEFINATELY FIND A SITE FOR THAT! Seeing an a4ld litteraly go boom would be great. definately video that

As a former member of the none-too-exclusive blown a4ld club, i want in on this action!!! :D We're gonna need a seriously long range camera to get the action though... there's going to be mad shrapnel from the sheer amount of explosives that us a4ld hating members wanna stuff in there.

i'll bring either my saiga or .30-06 out to have fun with as well......

saiga? isnt that the system that had sonic the hedgehog on it?

Though we will be able to blow it up guns arent a good plan in this case. Please leave them at home. I have no problem with guns and such, we will be able to controll a quick explosion but not bullets flying.

the gun safety nut has spoken

*from the gets shot at from time to time nut*
WTF! the only way to ever blow anything up is to drill a hole in it stuff it full of blackpowder or gas(depending on the item being blown) as civives like you all are not allowed to have C4 to play with and then start shooting at it!

and no saiga is a russian/east euro made varient of the AK-47 that is not full auto...orig chambered in .223/5.56 there are some out there for 7.62 (mine is the former)

sega....sega...jeeze ur the old man around here shouldn't you know?

I do acually have 2 a4ld's that can get blown, now I just need to get my hands on some splodables.

Yeah I know what a saiga is. It was just a joke. My problem with shooting at a trans is ricochets and lack of a backstop. It isnt safe at all and wont be happening.

Back to the real topic please

*shakes head* ok maybe its just the lack of air up here but i was playing that as a joke and then you responded and it just got out of hand....no we won't be shooting at a solid hunk of metal! but yeah y'all aint getting no c4...nor any plastique....umm maybe dyn but still thats hard to get unless you have your civil eng. license...w/e i just cant wait to be back wheelin with y'all!

HEy guys, this would be my first time doing something liek this, im 18 and i was wondering if i goto do anything special besides get a room to go off roading, and largley how difficult if the coure, im bassicly a novice with all my off roading being on the beach and in the pinelands!

Let me know!

Being a novice is fine. Drop me a PM or IM me at holdmytarget You are more than welcome to come for the trip. I can get in to everything needed and such. Its really quite easy and you dont need much. Snoborder is also 18 so the age thing doesnt matter. You can spring for a hotel room if you want (we found 50 bucks a night to be about the cheapest.) But I think many people will be crashing on the floor or one of the local people. You are also welcome to do that.

But I think many people will be crashing on the floor or one of the local people.

I'm not crashing on any of the local people.. I don't think said local peoples' girlfriends would like that very much :eek:


Oh, and if there's any snow on the ground: LT, I challenge you to a snowball fight rematch!!!!!

No matter which place we would go, we'll be hotel-ing it.

I'm not crashing on any of the local people.. I don't think said local peoples' girlfriends would like that very much :eek:


Oh, and if there's any snow on the ground: LT, I challenge you to a snowball fight rematch!!!!!

oh hellz yeah! you can crash on me though! no seriously you are going :thumbdwn: !

and newb, welcome! i was 19 when i just showed up and met these wackos....got me hooked! your rig already sounds sweet! better then mine....stupid 2nd gens

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One little typo....

Jeff, your decision makes sense in your case. cant hold that against you, i would do the same
