Eastcoast Newyears 06/07 Rausch Creek | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Eastcoast Newyears 06/07 Rausch Creek

Rausch Creek will probably be open.. They haven't closed in the past few years for New Years.. usually Lynn will make arrangements for us to get in.

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so, wheeling new years eve or day? ORRRR... wheel paragon new years eve, see if we can crash with the local that night and head to RC in the morning. Or do we want to avoid paragon altogether?

I will say, ive been on both and I like pap trails better so i would definatly like to get some time in there.

Doesnt matter which park we do -- as long as we have a large group -- to optimize the naked off-roading factor.

naked offroading?

Ive wheeled and met with most of the people in this thread and not one of them do I want to see naked. No offense.

Now on the other hand, I dont know how you fairylanders get down but I do know ben has always had his eye on me and it kinda creeps me out

Now on the other hand, I dont know how you fairylanders get down but I do know ben has always had his eye on me....

Now that's just TOO darn much information...:eek: :eek: :eek:

so let me get this strait..... y'all want to spend money on a room(s) for new years, and wheel at a small park, no night wheeling or free wheeling......

rather then.....

free accomodations, wheeling available 24/7, including living room wheeling, a huge a$$ offroad park, and again.... tons of free wheeling......

Id definitly be in for run on new years, .... but it just dont make sense to go to RC and pay out your collective a$$es, when you got a place to stay next to the largest ORV park on the east coast, surrouned by miles of free wheeling, not to mention, if ya break, we got a full shop just minuts from paragon.....

I dont know bout y'all, but I tend to be more relaxed and enjoy myself more when i dont have to worry about breaking and being stuck.... not to mention keeping $$$ in my pocket.......

I agree with you about the breaking-far-from-help stuff Chris, but we haven't had an actual run to Rc in almost two years :eek: Paragon last year kinda sucked the ball (to steal a phrase of Rookie's), especially since they ended up being closed New year's day. I have no prob with wheeling in that uhh.. 'place that's free' across the street.. :)D) but if we end up having a large turnout I really don't think it's wise to sneak so many people in. Not to mention that some members might have a problem with taking their families to wheel in a place that's not exactly sanctioned, ya know?

that "place thats free across the street" is ok for wheeling but there are many new places out by my house (3 blocks away) here in freeland and IS infact legal to wheel in, hell, I know places just a couple blocks from Rookies place too. more easy stuff then hard but still, its cool for offroad cruisin and night wheelin/drinkin :thumbsup:

in my opinion, Rc is a bit flacid to pay all that money to go into, and pay for a hotel etc. etc.....

maybe we should vote..... seems only fair right? I say Hazleton area wheeling.... theres more of it, its cheaper, and safer (for vehicle breakdowns)!

We're willing to go either place, but will be staying at a hotel no matter which place we go.

We should agree on a site before the first of December so people have a few weeks to plan accordingly

well im in....except this year i will not have ninja so I will need a ride from nj.... I dont care either way as long as we get rowdy!

I vote PAP, I had a blast at all the paragon runs and I really dont think I'd miss anything about RC, it wasnt all that great when I went.

Ok, lets vote on it then (can a moderator PM me or linds for details on poll options)

What lvl trails is everyone looking to run?

I can turn this thread into a poll. Just let me know what choices you want listed in the poll and I'll set it up for you.

Or, it would probably be better if you start a brand new poll thread yourself since this thread topic really isn't a poll question. You can start a new thread and "Post a poll with this thread" is an option down at the bottom of the New Thread screen.

I can turn this thread into a poll. Just let me know what choices you want listed in the poll and I'll set it up for you.

Or, it would probably be better if you start a brand new poll thread yourself since this thread topic really isn't a poll question. You can start a new thread and "Post a poll with this thread" is an option down at the bottom of the New Thread screen.

No problem, Gerald, thanks :) I just didn't want to take up even more space on this board by posting another thread about the same topic, lol.

so just outa curiosity, is this going to be a fair vote or is it already decided where to go and the voting is just for show? cuz now that i can actually participate without being held down by ... well... ya'll know... yeah..... anyway I dont want it to end up like a certain other vote for a certain other run..... K? thanx....

I just wanna have a good F'n time :thumbsup:

You can look at the poll results to show who voted for what..

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You can look at the poll results to show who voted for what..

i know that..... i was referring to the 10th anny. run that got moved to another place even tho most of the votes were for paragon... thats all.
