Easy trailer spare tire carrier for 2nd gen owners | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Easy trailer spare tire carrier for 2nd gen owners

I'm sure most of us send gen owners have had to replace the front wheel bearings. I got an idea to use the hub part as a tire carrier for a trailer with the same bolt pattern. I'm sure I'm not the first to do this, but here are a couple of pictures to show what I did. I also may use this idea to to hold the tire for a rear bumper tire carrier.

Here is the hub pressed out of the hub bearing assembly and welded to the trailer.


Trailer with the tire on it.


Sweet! Great way to reuse old parts! Going green comes in many different ways...LOL

I used a hub bolted to a plate for my spare tire carrier placed in my cargo area.

Another Idea,
I went out and purchased a Vise hitch mount with 2" tube from Harbor Freight, it could be used to bolt a hub to as well to hold a spare tire. Just weld the tube so it is straight up & down, or weld on a receiver tube to the bumper so it is removable.
