Eating Healthier on the Road.. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Eating Healthier on the Road..


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March 4, 2007
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anaheim hills,california
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95 ranger 4x4/ 91 X 4x4
..With so many of us traveling, trying to lose some weight, and being fast food junkies, I thought this may be helpful to us all for sharing healthier foods we find even at Fast Food Places..

..After watching the movie "Super Size Me" I was getting scared straight on some of the reality of fast food chains (never been much of a Mcdonald's fan)...:eek:

..The convenience of fast food restaurant's hot food, fast service, late hours, and locations all over the country I thought, "Why not make better use of them?"

..Trying to lose a couple pounds shouldn't mean changing everything in your daily routine so it becomes a chore and the food should not be boring and bland..

..So if you have some inside info on ordering more healthy or know of certain items to get with a slight twist, post them up...:D

Disclaimer: This is not a diet to follow nor should you follow this or even diet or excercise with out first getting the approval of your own Physician..

..Here's one I learned a few years back from a guy I know in Texas that lost over 100 pounds eating fast food on the road...

...The easiest thing he said was to cut out most things that are white and starchy such as order your burgers without the bun, no mayo, no fries, etc..

..I recently tried this at Carl's Jr on their .99 cent spicy chicken sandwich..I ordered it normal without the bun..It was mentioned to me that it requires a bun of some kind and they suggested a lettuce wrap. They still paper wrap it too but it was pretty good and definitely not boring..:biggthump

..Another item I like during the summertime when it's hot is a salad..Yep I said it, a salad..A huge Cobb salad hits the spot when I'm really hungry but most don't know that fast food places actually have pretty decent side salads for $1-$1.50..

...Burger King has a good one for $1 but I like to go to Wendy's and get one of theirs for $1.49...They both include croutons and dressings but at Wendy's you can actually get them to sprinkle real blue cheese on your salad usually for free (but if not it's .40 cents)..

..It don't look to bad for the price..


..And it usually hits the spot when I also order one of Wendy's plain baked potato's with butter on the side for $1.29..The salad and potato I call dinner hits the spot and is only about $3.50..

...It's quick, good, inexpensive and better for you too..

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I spend a considerable amount of time on the road too. 250-300 days per year before the economy dumped, now about 150 or a bit more. I used to try and pretend it was a little vacation. I couldn't keep that up more than a year.

For food, now, I usually pack a cooler in the car. Wife makes "left overs" and a few meals that are easily heated in a microwave. I always choose a hotel with a small fridge and a microwave. I sometimes supplement this with a little something from a local grocery store or prehaps a roast chicken or pizza from Costco. It is really humerous watching me move in to the hotel; a cooler, couple beach type bags of drinks and one full of snacks. Of coarse this limits the need to do anything but work and sit in the hotel.

I find myself willing to work the longest jobs because I would just go back to the hotel and sit anyhow. This is why I suggested the gym on your other post as a way to get out. I also tend to shop/run errands so I feel like I have a real life. I than head home Friday night or Sat morning and start all over Sunday morning. Be careful if your new traveling job produces significantly more money. You can become addicted to it quickly.

..On a side note I noticed I had been eating better (healthier) on our offroad trips than I do most of the other time..

..Having the fridge in the truck has a lot to do with having better choices of food at hand..Well, that and my Cadac stove/grill..

..Everyone talks about going to Subway for their sandwiches..What kind of sandwiches do you guys get ?..I rarely go there but usually will get a ham and cheese or a rare meatball when I do...

..I'm not looking into converting to bean sprouts and lawn clippings but some new sandwich ideas would be a plus..:D

At Subway I get a 6" Turkey and Ham on wheat. No mayo, no dressing. Among other veggies, I add pepperoncinis for a bit of a kick.

I also get the Baked Lays potato chips. About the lowest cal crunchy munchy out there.

I gave up sugared sodas years ago and started on diet drinks. Then I found out that the diet sodas can be bad for your eyes so I quit those too:( All I can drink now is water, or watered down, non-sweetened ice tea.

Over the years I have completely cut out hamburgers, rarely eat french fries, don't drink any sugared drinks, no milk shakes, or anything else that's remotely "fun" yet I still weigh the same. Gotta love it:banghead:

I don't have a ton of recommendations, but will share what I typically do when I travel.
I typically travel Monday-Friday. Generally monday is travel day, Tuesday-Friday are work days and Friday is travel home day, and I am home on weekends.

I have been living and breathing by subway, which is weird to say, but its truly one of the only fast food chains where you can get a decent tasting meal that isn't a salad and still good on the calories. I always get hte same thing because I'm boring - Sub Club (Turkey/Roast Beef/Ham). I get it with pepperjack cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, pickles, olives, jalapenos, and vinegar. I used to do the southwest sauce, but 100-150 calories per sandwich and it adds up, so I've found the jalapenos do a nice job of adding kick but without the calories. Total for the 6" is about 400 calories. I don't get chips, and I get it with a bottle of water (or a cup of water if I'm feeling cheap).
I have tried eating at other fast food joints, and aside from the 'salad' that some offer, you won't find much in the way of healthy at any of them. Even the salads that are typically offered, if you use their dressing, their croutons, etc. you are likely in just about the same boat calorie wise as any other meal, maybe even worse!

It's hard to fathom that what I used to have just for breakfast is almost equivalent to my entire daily allowance, but thats why I was packing on the pounds and why I'm loosing them now! Sometimes Subway gets old or there just isn't one around, and I "splurge" at other joints on occasion, but still try to keep it helthy. No double whoppers with large fries and a dr. pepper for me anymore, I generally will get a junior bacon cheeseburger with a small fries and a water or a light lemonade if they have it.

ARound December last year, I started kicking caffeine and am now completely off of it. I hardly ever have more than a few sips of it though occasionally I'll have some coke zero, but even then it's less than a can, no more 32 ouncers with a free refill kinda thing. Carbonated flavored water and regular flavored water (like propel, etc.) are a great no-calorie substitute without the boredom of regular water, but I also travel with a brita water bottle because I like water as well, just not tap water in many parts of the country I go.

Generally I try to provide my own meals when I can, and when I have a refrigerator available. I pick up a bunch of flavored carbonated water the beginning of the wee, it is good because the flavors can remain interesting where plain water gets dull. I'll also pick up some milk, some cereal (Special K red berries is my current favorite), some fiber one granola bars, and some quaker rice snacks (admittadly I am addicted to their sweet chili flavor, but I could literally eat a whole bag and it would only be about 500-600 calories... I can make the whole bag lalst the whole week, generally.

I do occasionally go out to eat with co-workers or have some pizza, etc. and that is just part of travelling and part of being human... indulging occasionally keeps you from craving it, and it also keeps you sane... and I think it's also important ot note that it keeps you from loosing too much too fast, which I think is as dangerous as not loosing it in the first place, because you tend to revert back when you get sick of the foods you are eating.

I've been watching what I eat, exercising more, etc. since about February now, and am down around 35 pounds. I still have about 20 to go.

Just another few notes...
Beef jerky is surprisingly low in calories, and I snack on it fairly regularly. It is kind of high in sodium, but unless that is a concern for you... an average bag of beef jerky that I get will have three servings, each at 80 calories. And it tastes decent too :).

This week I am in a Crowne Plaza (which I hate but oh well...) and they don't have any refrigerators, so cereal is out as an option. The breakfast option at the hotel is a "buffet" which of course I make terrible choices at and I'm sure htey have some good things but for the most part, I have a hard time making good choices when there are bad choices that taste better that I really enjoy (a huge pile of hash browns? Yes please!). There is a subway about 4 blocks away so I plan on walking there, every morning, for breakfast. When I go there for breakfast I usually get the english muffin melt, with egg whites, cheese, lettuce and jalapenos. The whole thing usually comes to around 250 calories and keeps me full for just as long as a bowl of cereal, etc. will so can't beat that.

..Wow..:eek:..You guys opened the floodgates to a lot of things i've been thinking about..

..It does sound like we all deal with exactly the same things and also have the same limits as in what choices we have..

..Supposedly all the fast food chains out here are all revamping to include healthier options to their menus..I will be keeping an eye on this and reporting my findings with taste test..:biggthump

...As for calorie intake and burn off, I think Rick makes a great point on what all he does and what his personal results are..We all have different rates of metabolism but getting older, stress, and our working environments/schedules all greatly impact us.

..I am lucky in a couple ways as I have an energy streak, can't sit for long, and my work is very physical..My weight gain is contributed to my quitting a 40 year habit in October and making the decision to try and eat rich and exotic foods all thru the holidays that I never eat nor have tried...

..This has been doubled due to lack of physical work and stress trying to roundup jobs, stay on top of bills, etc as this is a vicious cycle..:banghead:

..Heredity also plays a big part..Although my Grandpa was a slender man, my dad and uncles were normal build till they hit their 40's..My dad at 6' quickly jumped up to a 50" belt which he wore under his gut..Very surprising to me but not surprised of his heart attacks and combined strokes with them while refusing to quit his smoking habit..

..Currently I am 5'9" (or less) and was up to 195 about 10 days ago..I am not a scale watcher but want to get back down below 165-170..:hammer:

..I am lucky as I can eat pretty much what I want but I also am cautious of exceedingly fatty foods and being physical at work really controls how much weight I gain and what foods I feel like eating (foods limit my comfortable working conditions)...That's why I can still enjoy my dressings with croutons..:D

..Hopefully we can also get more people in on this to share their healthier food choices and other ideas for eating healthier on the road..

..You guys are giving me great ideas which keep dieting from being a chore or boring...

..On a side note since my little partner in crime has passed, I am getting a bike to do a little site seeing around home (play tourist) and if possible I will be hauling it with me on my work trips..

..Gas out here is the highest in the nation for the past couple months and has been going up while the rest of the nation has gone down approx. .30 cents..:(

..A little fresh air and exercise can be a good thing too..:D

..Just an update..I've lost 15#'s and it's been a breeze..:D

..The toughest part has been and still is, is finding places that understand what "Low-Carb" is..I generally explain it to the fast food and other food places as without the bun..

..Needless to say I have given up eating bread at all, along with chips, fries etc...

Note: Shopping for different food items has now become fun in a way and may be easier to do in Cali as we have calories shown on all menu's along with being able to ask for a full nutritional guide at any of the fast food chains. (Nutritional guides can also be downloaded from most all fast food restaurants websites..;) )

...Another thing I watch when reading labels are total carbs per item and a nutritionist friend told me to watch sugar intakes..Additionally you could keep your daily sugar allowance below 25g per day..(I just watch my sugar intake but not to closely)

..This is what my main menu has consisted of the past month or two..


..Simple is Del Taco Steak and egg burrito w/ no sauce...

..The hard to find item I have gotten accustomed to is an omelet sandwich...Basically a 3 egg omelet w/peppers (Denver) microwaved in a special bowl so it's not rubbery..Once cooked it is sliced like a bagel and a piece of cheese and bacon is inserted and now you have an omelet sandwich..(This can be found if you look at bagel shops, ask for a omelet bagel without the bagel)

..It taste great and this is a sad pic of one..:D


..Normally I don't eat lunch but if I am craving something I either run by Carl's jr. and grab a 99 cent spicy chicken sandwich lettuce wrapped (iceberg lettuce as a bun) w/ no sauce or head over to Wendy's for a 5 piece spicy chicken nuggets w/ no sauce..(2 orders of nuggets if I'm working hard)


..As I mentioned in a previous post it's been based on Wendy's..The following meal listed below is filling and is under 1100 calories total..

..One thing to note is Wendy's ranch salad dressing pack is only 100 calories (Carl's jr's is 300 cal.), their croutons are 60 calories (Others are 100 and over) and their butters are 50 cal. etc...

1 garden side salad =210
1 ranch salad dressing =100
1 crouton =60

1 5 piece spicy chicken nuggets =230
Option - chicken sandwich (minus bun)-280

1 plain baked potato =270
3 butters=150

and water to drink..:D

..another option when it's cold weather out is to swap in a cup of chili =210



..I think the worst thing anyone could do is be on a "Diet" and eat boring stuff..Find something you like and it's not a chore...This has been a real easy transformation for myself which has extended into looking at desert too..:D

..I now have learned Ben and Jerry's make some awesome "Fro Yo" frozen yogurt with less fat calories and the same Ben and Jerry's taste..

..Also found out that Greek yogurt is pretty good stuff too..;)

..Note A couple other things I do are not to eat dinner after 6 pm, I walk a mile or so after dinner (before 8 pm) to help digest my food, and before I grab something off a shelf or anywhere else to eat, I try to find the nutritional facts and compare them to another item..

..All foods are not created equal..:(

Did you quit your Diet Coke habit?

I gave up drinking soda about 7 years ago. Lost 5 lbs almost immediately. I started drinking some on our trip earlier this year. Guess what? I'm up a few pounds since then. :(

Another thing to cut out of your diets is Mexican food. As good as it is, it can be high in calories and carbs. (Yes, that's what I had for lunch today. And I still feel full - not a good thing.)

Exercise is important, too. I started rowing (we have a machine in the gym at work) 2 years ago. 4 - 5 days a week. It has made a difference.

I think the key is cooking for yourself. Restaurant food is not the healthiest - and the things they do to the food to make it taste good are not the best for you either.

I am looking forward to getting a fridge for the truck - good food on the weekend jaunts without the hassle of ice.

..On a side note I noticed I had been eating better (healthier) on our offroad trips than I do most of the other time..

That's because I cook! :mattmoon:

I gave up drinking soda about 7 years ago. Lost 5 lbs almost immediately. I started drinking some on our trip earlier this year. Guess what? I'm up a few pounds since then.

Another thing to cut out of your diets is Mexican food.

..Haha..I think the poundage you gained had nothing to do with the diet soda's but rather the In-N-Out burgers and fries they were chasing..

..You know, Choriso and egg is Mexican food too..Just saying..:p:

..I wanted to keep this on the simple side as many of us don't get choices when we work out of town and if we get a room, that's a luxury out of our pocket..

..This makes cooking or getting a kitchenette generally not a viable option..

..My fast food diets been working out and that was before it recently got hot out...Between the heat and being busy with work, I'm guessing another 10 pounds gone by this time next month...

...Hunger and cravings have yet to be an issue...:dunno:

..I do want to add that I truly feel better than I have the last couple years during this time of the season...The heat is really not bothering me and I have plenty of energy..No highs and lows or burst of energy then crash in the same day...(My current weight is about the same as it's been the last 2 years)

...If I could quit fixing my broken trucks and get ahead on the mods, I would like to start riding my bikes..*insert really cool biking smilie*

..Haha..I think the poundage you gained had nothing to do with the diet soda's but rather the In-N-Out burgers and fries they were chasing..

..You know, Choriso and egg is Mexican food too..Just saying..:p:

I don't drink diet soda...

And, I didn't get to In-N-Out on our last trip. :(

I had a co-worker in the past that gave up soda. Mostly drank plain tea or water. Nothing else in his diet changed. Many meals were from grocery store delis and fast food chains. He salted alot.

He lost weight. Quite a noticeable amount really.

I need to cut down on soda pop. Where I work, fountain pop is free for employees, but there is also free tea made from Lipton Cold Brew. Not the best, but it's okay for being free. I usually drink a 32oz grape Powerade Zero, then either fountain pop or the tea.

Many meals were from grocery store delis and fast food chains.

...I'm glad you brought this up as I keep forgetting to...I never did deli before unless we were offroading somewhere but I come to find out that the local grocery stores have some pretty good deals if you overlook their sandwiches..

..One of my favorite things I've found is various hot chunky soup's like Momma used to make...Big noodled chunky chicken is one of my current favorites followed by a Jambalaya...A bowl of that and a chicken breast makes for a cheap quick lunch and no lines..:biggthump

..I've also found myself going into these newfangled stores just to check out what they got..I was in this store yesterday and definitely want to go back and load my fridge up before I go camping next tripp..

..Lot's of good fresh stuff to be found there as well as a Deli with freshly pre packaged hot and cold meals as well as all other kinds of goodies...:D

Sprouts is a nice grocery chain. Their produce is cheap, but you have to watch out for lower quality sometimes. Most of the time, it is pretty good though.

Sunflower Markets is also a nice grocery chain, and is related to Sprouts.

For a nice Weight Watcher friendly meal/snack, take Wasa Crispbread (pry the light versions), melt some lowfat cheddar on them in the microwave, then put sliced avocado and sliced turkey from the deli on top. A couple of past coworkers were on Weight Watchers, and they ate this (or something like this) at least 2-3 times a week for lunch. They usually had fat free cottage cheese, with fresh fruit or canned mandarin oranges, on the side.

...I've got to add this if I haven't already...

...I no longer eat tums or rolaids before bed or because of acid reflux in the middle of the night..I always attributed it to stress, while others said it was from the watered down soda I drink...

...A little change in diet and all better..I think I've had a Rolaid night once each of the last 2 months..

..I've officially have lost 20#'s..Now comes the real test..:popcorn:

..I actually had gained 3-4 pounds back last week so I attribute that to muscle weight..:D

..I currently am working 7 days, physical and mental with a bunch of stress added into the mix..The next 4 weeks is on the road and away from home so I'm curious how this will affect things..

..But I am excited about the adventure of finding new places to eat..:bounce:

20 lbs! nice job :thumbsup:

...A little update on this..

..I am still eating sensibly if not better than what I had previously posted here..My Breakfast had stayed the same but I found myself eating more salads and chicken...

..I definitely feel a bit better (I wasn't feeling bad before) but I have noticed when I eat more fattening foods or a big ol' greasy steak that I actually need a day or two to recover from feeling sluggish...

...On top of this I have easily but still held on to the 175# mark..:thumbdwn:

..So this last Sunday I decided to take the next step in changing what I eat...This is a 3 week deal, nothing crazy or a diet..:rolleyes:..but this is based loosely on a book that will be coming out next month by an author named JJ Virgin from a show I saw on PBS..Basically dropping seven foods for 3 weeks to feel better..

..This is not to promote her book or diet but the show was interesting and finally someone not only said why not they actually gave some alternatives...

The Foods To Drop!


...So out of the blue I decided to drop my watered down soda's, eggs for breakfast, all cheese, and some other stuff..

..Basically what I am doing for the next 3 weeks is having a 20oz. smoothie for breakfast, some kind of salad with chicken for lunch, and just before dinner a 16 oz.smoothie and for dinner I'm aiming for wild Alaska salmon, Mahi-Mahi, easier choice chicken and salad, or range fed beef..

..Now the smoothie only consist of blueberries, 6 oz. apple juice, one whole banana, and a dbl shot of cinnamon..

..I still chew the daylights out of reduced sodium sunflower seeds and sugarfree gum while I'm working..

..Anyways...I thought I would update this and I will post more in a couple weeks to see if I notice any changes..;)

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