EGR tube on Manifold stuck | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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EGR tube on Manifold stuck


Active Member
June 15, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Baldwin, WI
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 XLT 5.0 AWD and 95 XL
What am I missing here, I have a broken EGR tube (passenger manifold) on my 97 5.0 X. Its broken off at the nut on the manifold. I've sprayed it with PB blaster and hit it with an impact wrench at 250lbs.

Do I need a bigger impact? Anyone have any ideas here?


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Be careful, as the design of the manifold usually results in a crack where the tubes meet, under the heat shield. The force of cranking on the egr nut might break the weld.
I would try to get a long pipe in the end of a wrench ( i cut the closed end off a craftsman 1 1/16" wrench for this), but I did break the header.

So I'm pretty much damned it I do damned if I dont? The EGR tube is completely snapped in half about 1/4 inch above the nut. But the nut just won't come off.

Fun fun

Well it has to come off

If you do break the manifold, it will be a good excuse for Torquemonster headers. I believe they will pay for themselves, sooner you put them on, the sooner they pay. As gas get more expensive, they pay for themselves sooner yet.
Anyway, try to tap a wrench with a hammer, or as I said earlier, try to obtain more leverage.
Post back with progress, we'll give ya moral support if nothing else

Heat may help.

Aloha, Mark

Dealer quoted me 250 to install a new one. Since I'm only home for 4 days before heading back to CA for 3 weeks..(I'm stuck in CA till late Dec), and its my wife's car.....I think 250 is fair for them to do it.

If they crack the manifold, I already have cast iron manifolds from 98 explorers, do they have the right fitting on it?
