electrical issues due too many h.i.d./fog/driving kits? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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electrical issues due too many h.i.d./fog/driving kits?


Well-Known Member
July 1, 2005
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City, State
Jackson, MS
Year, Model & Trim Level
2004 explorer xls
I have a problem since I installed the 3rd pair of lights...
Originally, I got an h.i.d. for my low beams... then I added a foglight kit (with regular bulbs); then I left the wiring harness and installed a new h.i.d. kit to run as fogs... (my truck did not come with factory fogs - xls)... evrything was fine until then... recently I added another set of hallogen/55w fog driving lights kit...

I noticed that if there is a fuse blown on any of the kits, the truck will no start... of if by mistake i touch the positive and negative of one of the kits, they will not start... I have to unplug both terminals of the battery and wait about 5 minutes, then plug them back on and the truck starts... when the truck does not start, there are no dashboard lights, headlights, horn, the remote lockes don't work etc....... until I unplug the battery and them plug it back in....

I took it to autozone, and the alternator, starter and battery tested ok.... they said it was a connection acting up somewhere...

Does any one know how many light (kits h.i.d./hallogen) can I run of my stock battery? can I ground all the wires to the same body panel (for example) or do they need to go to different panels? all the positives go to the positive of the battery... and all the kits have their own fuses and rocker switches....

These are the three sets that I have on currently; the headlights (h.i.d.) the small yellow (55w hallogen) and the brighter/wither (h.i.d.) driving light kit.



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very clean x. but any ways where do you have the gounds ran to for the lights is it near any fuse/relay boxes or sensors? so what you start the truck, turn on the lights and it stays running or shuts off? maybe I read it wrong haha. you can also post in the electrical area there are some really helpful guys in there

On my 96 I have had 4 roof lights (55w x4) , a single beam (low beam) HID kit (35w x 2) , running leds (minimal wattage) and 2 auxillary lights (100w X 2) for a total of almost 500 watts all on the stock battery without any problems. It is probably a simple wiring issue like the ground as stated above.

were are you taking power from to the relay?

Recheck all of your connections to the lights you have added. It sounds like you have a wire shorting to ground somewhere in your new harness. Are you running the power to the new hid's directly from the battery or is it running from the fuse block from an accessory line?

some wiring issue... that's what I'm thinking too... some of the grounds are kinda close to the engine bay fuse box... and some of the grounds use the same screw to connect to the chasis.

The low beam (6k h.i.d.) kit has a relay from the battery (they have the option of just plugging in to the original low beam sockets/wires... and use the factory fuse box as the factory lights would.

The 2nd set of lights (driving light kit with 4300k h.i.d. kit) are taking power from the battery directly (with no relay) and just a fuse and grounds.

The 3rd set of lights (55w fog hallogen) are wired according to the instructions that came with the kit ($14 kit from autozone).... today I added extra grounds to each of these lights... they use their own fuse, taking power directly from battery.

All light sets, have their own fuses and switches and only the 6k hid (low beam) has a relay...

I was thinking may be; connect the low beams hid directly to the oem sockets with no relay, etc.... use that relay for the 2nd 4300k h.i.d. kit and add a 3rd harness for the 3rd set of lights (hallogen)?????

thanks all
