Electrical problem/Navajo Front Turn Signal Relocation | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Electrical problem/Navajo Front Turn Signal Relocation

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yeah man, i have a very similar setup as you...my problem was with the wiring and the bulbs...i have what is a side marker lights from an old ford pickup/van...they fit between the grill so i put them in there fwith some bolts that went through one of the grill atachment plates...my problem was gettin the lights to flash...but now I have it "solved" for now anyways...

Cool I just used the stock lamp and wiring
I have a 3" body lift know and IO would like to know what you think of the James Duff lift you bought. can you post a pic of your rig

I got resisters from Radio shack that were about an inch & half long and a 1/4" square w/wire comming out both ends. It took two of them to make up for a bulb being taken out of the circut. And they got Hot when the blinkers are on. Or look for a flasher unit that will be adjustable. Flasher units are made for use w/trailer wiring. Either way will get you flashing w/no bulbs.

I merged the two threads to keep the replies to this probelm together.

Did you put on that three inch body lift yet?...actually now that you mention it i am probably going to put on the James Duff 3in body lift when its time for new meats and cross my fingers and pray for 35s fitting with the 6 and 1/2 inches...let me know how that goes with the JD suspension kit...which i would highly recomend, its really a pleasure to have now, the rear add a leaf is a little stiff but the front is great, its reliable, great off road...make sure you got a whole garage of tools though and a lift to put it on...i dont care what anyone says on this site or what a couple guys ahve written up here in the Tech articles about puttin on that kit, it was tough to put on raised, i cant imagine what it was like doing it on the ground...also make sure you use air tools to tighten all the bolts and what not becuase mine havent needed any tightening going on a year now...i also looked atthe SOA kit that superlift has but i thought that this lift was the best for me with no money because i didnt have to pay for new brake lines, the drop pitman arm, and gearing that i will need in the future with 35s...so hopefully when i am done with college i can afford all those things...and of course i dont off road enogh and i dont rock crawl etc so dont necesarily need tat kinda height right now...sorry for ramblin, I guess i just got excited someone was asking about my kit...basically you just gotta weigh in your needs (money, amount of ORing etc.)
SORRY, but in terms of resistence, that is where my problem is, i tried hose 1 ohm resisters and that didnt work...someone was sayin i might need the opposite of those, which i cant remember whatthey are called (starts with a C i think)...the impedence is off and im not sure how to fix that on a wiring level

oops...yeh no pictures on the computer of it, i cant figure out how to do that...but if ya really want some i could send ya some, or figure it out to get them online

Kool I am looking at a rough country 6front susp. lift and a SOA on the rear with 410s for gears I have already bought my 33"ers 12.5 wide. I do allott of crawling as a matter of fact I just went this last weekend and I was cought in a bad place with out the 6" . and my drivers side hub started to kick in and out of gear. wow! that was weird .I have already found the Warn swap for this and I will be changing this in the nex couple of weeks. It only cost 230. for the whole kit and I have a couple of friends that own their own shop for the lift.:eek: ;) :) :cool:

sounds like you have some good resources (money)...yeh i need to get some manual hubs soon, but the autos have been behaving for the most part...I would be careful about mating the SOA with a 6" lift...although i know a dude that hasthe rough country 4" on his fullsize and likes it....just because I dont think the SOA gives a full 6...i have heard it gives anywhere from 4-5 1/2 so just be careful...i know superlift makes a kit that incorporates the SOA manuever....goodluck!

Yes you are right about being carefull and that is why I have the mechanics do the work.. And I am just as broke as the next guy but I am single and liveing with a roomie. so I have a little . You can match the 6" with the soa and pull it all togather with some blocks and knowhow.
I hope that we both get some more info and luck on our sides ,:D

yeh true, i suppose that you might need a small block under the leaf pack in the rear to even that out...yeh, definetly good luck with that, and let me know how the manual hub installation goes because that may be my next mod...
