Electrical Problem Need HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Electrical Problem Need HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
April 2, 2007
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City, State
Warrensburg, Missouri
Year, Model & Trim Level
1991 Eddie
I have A 1991 Eddie edition explorer with a serious problem first the alternator went out. Had it replaced and my battery light in the dash stayed on the remanufactured alternator i bought from autozone according from them was good. So i installed it and the light is still on the alternator is not charging the battery still. Autozone said to check the wiring i did and replaced old battery cables and the fender mounted starter selinoid still the light is on. and the battery is not charging could the alternator i bought be bad????????? Or what someone please help me.

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Could Be..

:D YES, IT COULD BE BAD, the wiring from the alternator to the dashboard it's preatty simple, one wire goes from the alternator to a resistor an then to the light on your dashboard, if turns on, that means that the wiring it's ok, the light should turn off if the alternator is charging, if so, the alternator cuts the ground signal that sends to the light in the dashboard, , so, take it back to you autozone dealer and replace it, ok.

i will do that but if it does not help and the light remains on what should i do

replace it..

it will work, don't worry, replace it, it turns on because the alternator it's telling him to turn on, unplug that wire from the alternator and you will see that it shuts down, but won't charge, ok.

Lets back up a bit-
there are several things which could cause this-yes it could be the alternator, battery, bad connection, or
a short
Do you have a volt meter?
If not, spend a few bucks on one-walmart sells a digital one, radio shack also.

This will help troubleshoot the problem--and you can go back to autozone armed with knowledge of what is going on-
