emergency responder lights | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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emergency responder lights

hi guys i have not done a lot of mods to my x but i am a volunteer firefighter so i have put lights on my car for responding. For people who know about this i have

-3 whelen TIR 3
-one set of no name grille light
-one whelen slim miser dash light

i have them all running through a separate fuse block that i put inside my console so that it is easy to access. i also have a scanner and neon lights for the inside running of this fuse block also.

just thought i would post this because i have not seen any threads like it

if any one has some comments about the lights i would appreciate it just trying to see if people think the placement is good

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Oddly enuff, I had a fleet of explorers as Military Police vehicles while I was in the Army. We found that the cab lights just didn't cut it. We went to xcalibur brand LED systems. We had to wait on our top mounted slim lightbars because our mounting brackets would not fit the explorers.

We found that the flashing light setups that construction crews use in their marker lights proved to be more visible than our in-cab light bar. The fitting for the in-cab didn't sit flush with the windshield and at night would cause a glare on the inside of the glass.

I like your setup, but it seems to be concentraited in the middle of the vehicle, might look into those stick-on 3 or 4 led strips that you could put near your side mirrors to give you more visibility from the sides. Also does the dash strobe have an adjustable strobe speed? The triple flash on it seems way to fast and causes it to over power all the others.

thanks for the advice the light in the middle can be adjusted and i had it really slow before and it looked a little weird i might try to find a place in the middle.


I actually put a similar setup on my 98XLT just tonight, not even an hour ago.
I was planning on doing a writeup for it soon enough,

but yeah, it looks sick.
except I put my 2 lights down on each side of my number plate, because i was too lazy to take the billet grill off and stick them behind it.

still looks the part.

that's cool i wanted to put a billet grille in but i would have to redo the brackets so i decided not to. next to the license plate is a good place considering that they make brackets for that. if you can post up a video of your car
