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Engine Chirp

David S.

Well-Known Member
February 25, 1999
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2020 Altima AWD
For the last week when I start my Explorer, there is a loud chirping sound. I first thought is was the belt. Replaced it but it still makes the sound. My next thought is a pulley or starter motor. Anyone have a similar problem?

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my mom's 94 ford van has a HORRABLE chirp...it happenes all the time now..when you oil the idler pully it quiets, but returns shortly

I have a chirp now also. It used to happen on very cold starts and go away after about 30 seconds. Now it stays all the time.

It is the belt, a pulley, or what? I hope it's nothing serious. I have to go to the dealer soon for some collision repair (dumb *****! sorry), so I might ask them about it.

i have the same chirping noise on mine. however, after the engine warms up, it stops for some reason. i have reason to believe that it's the sepentine belt, but im not quite sure.

I don't know if this helps, but in my case, it's just the oil filter. I brought my Explorer in for service a few months ago and it chirped every time I start the engine after the service. I didn't really care because my mom's '94 Chrysler Town & Country does that all the time because of a loose belt. Anyways...when it was time for an oil change, I bought Purolator's most expensive one (which was like $4??) and changed the oil myself. Now the chirping stopped!! Here's a little web site on the oil filters:


I hope this helps and good luck fixing that chirp.

My 98 OHV just started making the chirping noise. It isn't the belts or the alternator. It's coming from the rear pass. side of the car. I read another thread that it may be theDead Link Removed Please help...:(

Well here's a pic of the sensor from my service CD. I'll order it tomorrow and see how it goes.

