Engine dies, won't start, then starts. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Engine dies, won't start, then starts.


Oh, the money you`ll blow
Elite Explorer
April 16, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
British Columbia
Year, Model & Trim Level
93 4 dr 4x4 manual XL.
Hey all!

Been running like a champ. but had a very weird issue yesterday.

After a good couple hour run up a mountain and back I was putting along a forest road; low speed, level. Explorer stalled dead as if the engine was just turned off. Tried starting, and wouldn't catch.
Popped the hood and looked around, didn't see anything, then some guys came up behind me and I talked with them a bit, then tried cranking it over again and it fired right up and began running like a champ again. Took my chances and ran down to the river where I was going. everything was fine, drove home okay.

Don't understand why it did that, it is hard to be confident now.

Recently replaced : fuel pump after failure -fuel filter -fuel pressure regulator which failed after new fuel pump installed.

Searched here and similar issues point to IAC, Crankshaft position sensor, or computer issue??

Is there any way to troubleshoot these options any further? Or do I just start buying stuff?


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I wouldn't throw parts at it.

Had a very similar issue on a previous 94 I owned. It would randomly stall, sometimes at a stoplight and sometimes while coasting. Sometimes it would start right back up and other times I had to wait up to a minute.

I threw parts at the truck. Tried swapping almost every sensor and even the PCM.

Turned out that the new fuel pump I installed (Bosch) a month prior was defective and was randomly stalling.

My bet is the fuel pump relay.

When it happens again (and it probably will) swap the fuel pump relay in the power distribution box under the hood, with the WOT relay.

If that is the problem, replaced with a Ford part, not aftermarket. The OEM relay lasted 21 years.

I vote fuel pump again.

Hey all.
Stalled today and wouldn't start for a half hour.
It's been an intermittent problem that has been plaguing me. Last year it seemed to stop and run fine, then I parked it for the winter. Been fine till today.
When it stalled it would turn over fine, almost start but not quite. Lots of fuel pressure at rail. I am thinking maybe an ignition problem of some sort. I just wanna hit some trails and can't trust it to get me home.
When it fired up I ran it off the highway to a friends house and got a ride home. And there it sits until I can figure it out.

I moved this to the stock 1st gen sub forum for more views.

check the wiring to the crank sensor. The way it is routed is kind of weird, and can cause bad connections.

Also, there is an ignition control module mounted on the radiator support near the right headlight area. these have been known to cause issues. Try finding one in a junk yard if possible as they are expensive.
