Engine stay on when remove key! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Engine stay on when remove key!


May 21, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Columbus, GA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'96 XLT
I am having a problem with my 96 XLT. When parking with the headlights on, I can turn the key to off position and remove the key without the engine stopping. The engine does idle down for a second or two, but then goes back to normal. Then if I turn the lights off, the egine dies. :confused:

Any suggestion for what might be causing this?

It has got me a little worried.

Thanks in advance.

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Dunno if its related or not, but my roomate's 95 Ranger did the same thing. And sometimes you could start it without a key. Was kinda funny.

ignition switch might be your problem. Hard to tell without the right equipment. Looks like you kind of have a race car now -- kind of a push button/switch ignition system. I think that'd be cool. Good luck on the fix!


Could be a selonoid.

that is one wierd problem :confused:

That would be cool if you could start it with the headlights. My best guess would be ignition switch.

Fixed it!

Well, it turned out to be the headlamp switch. Somehow melted the insulation on a few of the wires and the plastic plug. Must have been bad connections. Anyway, I replaced the switch ($25 autozone) and got a new plug with pigtails kit ($33) from the Ford dealership and soldered on the new plug. Everything seems to be fixed.

Oh well, can't control the engine with the lights anymore, but I feel safer.

Thanks for posting the results ( I wish more people did )

This has been on my mind I am gald you filled us in

Thats very strange.

I have actually taken the key out and I would turn the thingy(where the key goes)with my finger and it would attemp to start. Also have taken the key out and the radio would stay on. This has happened about three times in three years.
