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Exciting info on 2003 Explorer!


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May 11, 2001
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'96 XLT V8
I stopped by my local Ford Dealer today inquiring about the 2003 Explorer. None of the sales brochures are out yet but the salesman pulled out his own booklet about all the new models and let me take a look through it. There are many minor changes including an optional rear DVD entertainment system w/ 7" screen....optional tire pressure monitor....a new "NBX" trim level which is above the XLT and below the Limited. According to his book only about 4% of the 2003 explorers produced wil be of the NBX trim...There is also going to be an optional offroad package. I didn't have too much time so I wasn't able to get the details on that package. Just wanted to let you guys know the good news...seems like ford may be waking up with the new NBX & Offroad package...I'll have to wait to see them before I decide....

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The NBX package is the No Boundries Package. I believe it was available on late 2002 Explorers (I've seen one 2002 Explorer Sport Track No Boundries Addition) Also that packet on the 2003 Explorer has been posted in a thread somewhere in .pdf format.

2003 Explorer NBX

- Two-tone black front/rear bumper
- Black cladding, wheel lip molding, step bars
- Unique fabric style for seats
- 17" machined aluminum wheels
- P245/65R17 all-terrain OWL tires
- Yakima load warrior roof rack
- Rubber floor mats with Explorer logo
- Cargo area soft liner with storage bag

Any info on prices for the NBX and is there a NBX Sport?

Sounds like a pretty weak package to me :rolleyes:

There is also going to be an optional offroad package
AN OFFROAD PACKAGE ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? That better be on the sport and not on the 4dr. wtf is ford gonna do put limited slip and 31" BFG AT KO's on the 4 wheel indepent suspension POS. Any way im gonna shutup before i start ranting about how much new SUVs and the people who buy them piss me off.

Yeah nothing seems very "exciting" about these packages. Especially the offroad package. You can't really "tune" fully independent suspension for real offroading.

It will probably be more of an "offroad appearance" package. You know grill guard, largest tires offered and maybe a gas tank skid plate so as to not get speed bump inflicted damage. What Ford calls an "offroad" package and what a true "offroad enthusiast" want will be worlds apart.

oooo the NBX and offroad packages are gonna have towhooks that should be interesting

I sure hope anyone who buys a 2002 or newer 4 dr. isn't kidding themselves by thinking they have an off-road machine. More like an AWD car. If I were any type of new Explorer owner I'd be more than upset at the new Subaru advertisements. One key Subaru point: "more ground clearance than an Explorer Sport"
Wow, nice 4x4 there Ford.

That's why I am keeping my Navajo for an offroad vehicle and just bought a Super Duty so I'm not driving a glorified car. Flame on.

screw a LS. New Toys come with a rear locker from the dealer and you can get a front ARB for them now. new jeep rubicon comes with EVERYTHING accept winch/lift and 35s. Ford marketing is running the show. trying to counter the firestone/roll over bad rep. new EX 4 drs / expeditions are just full size station wagons. but hey thats what most people use them for I guess......

Just give me a basic vehicle without carpet, rubber flooring, seats, radio, speakers, .... In fact just deliver the body, frame and engine that I want to my house. I will take care of the rest of the packadge! LOL

I am just curious as to what the people who complain about the new X argument is. So if the new generation(2002plus) Explorer had a solid axel would you be buying them up at 30K plus and beating them up on extreme off road? Lets be serious would you have the $$ to spend $30K+ add some mods then feel good about breaking and scratching it doing hard core off-roading? Lets think about what the real market is for in the $30K+ vehicle...It is in a great ride and the utility of the vehicle two factors that the new Explorer/Expedition have made great strides in in the 2002/2003 models. The new Explorer converted many people to being an explorer owner by its great improvements myself being one. The future of the SUV is in the independent suspension so you may need to get used to it.

Dude! We know! we are the 2% of Explorer buyers that Ford isnt designing for, 98% of the people just want AWD and a nice looking truck that rides like a car.

We are the 2% who actually want a low range, some ground clearance, and no rocker panels.

Besides look at Jared, he's the .005% who actually will buy a 30K truck and beat the crapola out of it.

Ford is just gonna lose the 2% to Toyota and Jeep thats all, no big deal right?

Well at least until they get back with the program and make a "real" small truck again....

I would buy one of those new Escape's if I needed something to anchor my boat with....

Hey at least we still have the Sport Trac! It can be built! And besides no matter what it is somebody will always find a way to lift it , gear it, and shove a straight axle under the front. Heck I've even seen a CRX sitting on 38" tires....

Originally posted by mikem74
So if the new generation(2002plus) Explorer had a solid axel would you be buying them up at 30K plus and beating them up on extreme off road? Lets be serious would you have the $$ to spend $30K+ add some mods then feel good about breaking and scratching it doing hard core off-roading?

Whaddya think I do with my 2001?? It's been off road many times (It was off road before it was even a month old), has a locker in the rear, full skid plates, reinforced brush guard, 2" lift, 31" tires, custom trail pinstriping and an occasional dent. Ask anyone that has been wheeling with me if I'm afraid to take it anywhere.

You are right though about the target buyer, I'm in the EXTREME minority. Most Explorers never even see a dirt road, much less what we do with them. But it's still a shame we can't order them the way we want them.

jeep rubi is sub 30k and yes id beat the hell out of it. it has a "MFRs waranty." ford needs todo a 180 and go back. Do a short wheel base bronco with c/o, D44, 9inch,lockers, atlas II TC and a good tranny. could have just nice a ride as a IFS EX. Get groceries,haul ( a few) kids, and REALLY hit trails. instead we get non off road capable vehicles and SVO ford focus.

oh yea and my$ 25k EX was wheeled and pinstriped accordingly not too long after purchase. ;) now i wait on the money to mod.....

Originally posted by RFR2212
Sounds like a pretty weak package to me :rolleyes:

I agree completely. Any factory off road package on the 2002 or 2003 is going to be weak my friend.

Only auto company that knows how to stir up a good off road package is Dodge. No Chevy does not have a worth while off road package. Thought I would say that before some bow tie driving fool says anything. I know everyone has opinions about Chevy....blah blah blah.

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I bought a $24k SUV, put over $8k into performance, stereo, and convenience mods, stuck a posi and tires on it; and I beat the crap out of it :bounce: Granted, I try not to get body damage, but I still take the risk in my $30k+ SUV ;)

Back to the thread. Hopefully Ford will build up the Sport a bit and start selling it as the Bronco. I don't think we're ever getting another SUV with 2 solid axles though.
