Exhaust for 2 door sport model? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Exhaust for 2 door sport model?


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February 3, 2002
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'98 Sport 4x4 SOHC
I'm new to this forum. Well hello to everyone. Does anyone know if they make an aftermarket catback exhaust for 98 2dr sport model? If anyone knows can they tell me some brands and where I can buy it. Thanks:)

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First of all, Welcome to the Site!! You will find lots of info here, and lots of ways to empty your wallet. :eek: As for your exhaust question. Dead Link Removed offers a Gibson Aluminumized system (GIB-19688) for about $250 and a Gibson SST system (GIB-619688) for about $340 that will fit your truck.

You can also grab whatever muffler you want (I recommend Magnaflow) and have a local exhaust shop make you custom pipes. It usually ends up a bit cheaper this way, and you can get the exit and size exactly how you want. I usually recommend 2.25" or 2.5" mufflers with a single out.

Double check that Ginson system.

I asked Gibson about their cat-back for the Sport. They said that it's for the SOHC with a single inlet. The SOHC has a dual inlet. It's kinda unclear as to which model this is for. I may order one just to see if it will fit, and if not send it back.

I would recommend having your local muffler shop[ bemd a custom cat back for you out of 2 1/2" pipe.

Good luck.....

Thanks for the quick reply:) I will look into those exhaust systems that were recommended.

Originally posted by aqs789
Thanks for the quick reply:) I will look into those exhaust systems that were recommended.

A custom setup should run you about $200. Mine was $250, but I'm using 2 mufflers.

I think I've got the same X as you.
Anyway, I had a local shop put on a Flowmaster 50 and mounted 2.5 inch pipe before and after. I think my set-up ran $250 or so. very good investment. The FlowMaster 490 Series is considerably louder, but the 50 series allows the engine to breathe, and doesn't give you headaches. It's a bit louder than stock, but I think just the right volume.
Good luck,
Karl '98
