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Explorer Catalytic Converter


New Member
January 29, 2008
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1998 Ford Explorer
Hey Everyone,

I have a 98 Ford Explorer Eddie Bauer V8 and I'm having difficulties trying to reverse a Catalyst efficiency code.

The code reads: P0430 - Catalyst Efficiency Below Threshold Bank 2

So here's the scenario - I have replaced a down stream O2 sensor (bank 2-Driver's side as far as I know) and the code still comes up. Before I go further... I've heard to disconnect the battery after replacing the O2 sensor? Is this true and also is there anything else I should do in regard to my new O2 sensor installation?

The O2 sensor is now installed and the CEL is still on. Aside from changing the cat, is there anything else I should check first or does it look like a new cat is in order? Should I have a diagnostic test done? Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Thank you very much, this forum has been great to me so far!

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Check your EGR valve..

You'll need to reset the cel one way or another before you can see if that fixed the problem. It's better to get it reset by a scanner then to unhook the negative cable but either will do the trick if it comes back then you know you need to look some more.

You'll need to reset the cel one way or another before you can see if that fixed the problem. It's better to get it reset by a scanner then to unhook the negative cable but either will do the trick if it comes back then you know you need to look some more.

Like the scanners I can use for free and Advance Auto??? Or do I need a different scanner?

The loaner scanners will do the trick.

Should I have replaced both sensors in this case or is it basically the downstream sensor that causes the problem?


Should I have replaced both sensors in this case or is it basically the downstream sensor that causes the problem?


Any scanner that can clear codes will work, the autozone one you talked about should work fine.

I believe it could be either sensor. I've heard you can check the sensor to make sure it works. But I wouldn't know what it needs to read.

Are you sure that was the problem? It could be an exhaust leak or a warning sign the cat is going.

Any scanner that can clear codes will work, the autozone one you talked about should work fine.

I believe it could be either sensor. I've heard you can check the sensor to make sure it works. But I wouldn't know what it needs to read.

Are you sure that was the problem? It could be an exhaust leak or a warning sign the cat is going.

I am not sure that the O2 sensors are the problem, however, I just wanted to rule them out before I jump into an expensive cat job.

Thanks for the help.

I am not sure that the O2 sensors are the problem, however, I just wanted to rule them out before I jump into an expensive cat job.

Thanks for the help.

no problem.

That code indicates a poorly functioning Cat, not Air/Fuel ratio problems or a bad O2sensor. OBDII isn't infalable but it is usually correct.

For everyone's information, I ended up replacing my upstream O2 sensor and that did the trick after it ran through its cycle. So overall, I replaced both O2 sensors and that solved my P0430 Code problem. Really happy I didn't have to replace a cat! Once again, thanks to all who gave advice.

