Explorer Chassis same as Ranger? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Explorer Chassis same as Ranger?


Active Member
August 27, 2003
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City, State
Abilene, TX
Year, Model & Trim Level
1992 XL
Hey folks, just curious to know if the 91 Explorer and 91 Ranger share the same chassis, because I've seen quite a few suspension upgrades for the Ranger, but not too many for the Explorer. So if they're the same chassis, I think it would be safe to assume that Ranger stuff will work on an Explorer. Anybody know for sure?

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No the chassis is not the same.

The front suspension is the same. The rear suspension is SOA on the ranger as oppsed to SUA on the explorer.

There are other slight differences that can really screw stuff up. For instance the frame rail width at the tranny crossmember is slightly different... I know this cause I bought a set of extended radius arms that mount of a replacment tranny xmemeber and it was too narrow, my Explorer frame was like 1/4" wider...

I also believe the rear frame is more narrow on the ranger.

I'm not even convinced that the front suspension is the same.

When I park my 2wd 92 Explorer next to a 2wd 91 Ranger and look underneath all the stuff on the Explorer looks bigger than the stuff on the Ranger. Maybe it's an illusion as everyone I've talked to about it swears all the parts are the same or maybe I have a oddball Ranger.

I see more similarities when I compare the Explorer stuff to the stuff under an F150 of the same vintage.

Maybe it's just me and need to stop :smoke: and :chug: so much.


I think the ranger used the dana 28 where as the sploder uses the 35

Originally posted by TheRookie
I think the ranger used the dana 28 where as the sploder uses the 35

True except for the 4.0L Ranger which used the Dana 35.

I wonder if the 2wd 4.0 Rangers used the same I-beams as the Explorer and all the others got smaller stuff.

My comparison was with a 2wd 3.0 Ranger and the beams and other stuff appears much smaller.

This may explain why I've been getting a lot of flak for saying that the Rangers are different.


Leaf spring mounting points on a Ranger are different from the Explorer. Ranger leaves mount offset from the frame, Explorer leaves mount directly underneath. I think that's why a lot of Ranger lifting parts don't work on the Explorer.

Explorers used the same frame for 2wd & 4wd models. Instead of making 2 different frames for the 2 drivetrain options, ford just made a new pivot braket for the passenger side 2wd beam. this pivot bracket uses some of the same holes as the 4wd pivot bracket. The driver side beam pivot bracket is the same for the 2wd & 4wd Exp. Exp frames and 4WD Ranger frames are the same from roughly the trans x-member forward. Except for the fact that Exp frames are boxed. Any 4wd ranger kit bolt right on to an Explorer except for the fact that the boxed frame makes it a bit harder to bolt on your radius arm pivots. When I installed my Autofab kit on my Explorer-it was a Ranger d35 kit- I simply bolted the brackets were I could welded where I couldn't use bolts.

The front clip of the Explorer and Ranger frames of the same vintage might have been "similar," but while both frames are made by the same company, the Explorer frame was made by Tower Autmotive in Corydon, IN while the Ranger frame was made at one of the Tower Automotive plants in Milwaukee, WI. Being made at two different plants and design requirements might be one reason why some of you are seeing a 1/4" difference at the transmission x-member.

Good info-Ididn't know where either frame was built. As a side note, Autofab radius arm brackets include a cross member between the two brackets. Autofab sells this cross member in "kit" for and it must be fitted to each vehicle individually. Even Ranger frames vary enough that you can't make a cross member to fit them all. Thats why factory cross members usually have slotted holes instead of round holes.

yes but u might have to lightly modify the ranger parts

will explorer sport its shorter

WELL, since this thread is 8 years old and the OP hasnt posted anything in 7 years, I think its safe to assume he either figured it out or moved on.


On the Ranger boards, there are quite a few people who swap an Explorer D35 into Rangers. Apparently if you shorten the driveshaft it's good to go.
