ExplorerSport77's X "Hotness" | Page 10 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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ExplorerSport77's X "Hotness"

I don't think I've been around here long enough to have come across this one but I'm glad it popped up tonight. This is a beautiful truck!

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Explorer ****! Hotness, evil, and there was another sport that looks like hotness but with mounty nose, my three favorite second Gen sports, I hope to get Vader that nice someday oh and black beauty, cant leave him out ,and pickle cant forget pickle!

Explorer ****! Hotness, evil, and there was another sport that looks like hotness but with mounty nose, my three favorite second Gen sports, I hope to get Vader that nice someday oh and black beauty, cant leave him out ,and pickle cant forget pickle!

the red one you are talking about is joshuaj0214's truck. also a 5L sport.
wanna know something that may tick you off? i have seen all the trucks you are talking about in person, and have the pics with evil to prove it :D

No I forgot about him , and he is only about 40 min away from me, there is or was one that looks more like hotness I'll try to find a picture


  • 0402122119.jpg
    49.6 KB · Views: 336

This is why I wish we had a spot maybe a sticky for sports!
